Mindless Monday

Oct 25, 2010 18:00

We're getting rain, which is welcome after several consecutive weeks of sunshine. I'm not complaining about sunshine, since the temps have been mostly in the 70s. But it's been very dry, and they're talking about the danger from wildfires, so...rain is good.

I'm trying to get my sleep schedule somewhat normal---I'm still not over my interrupted sleep on Saturday---didn't sleep at all last night. Went to the food bank early, came home, caught five hours and still feel like refried shit. Hopefully, though, I'll be out for the count by midnight tonight.

I've been lusting after a tablecloth I saw on eBay. Granted, it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I like orange. And I think it would look great centered on my round dining table over a solid green cloth I have. (Of course, it would help if said table wasn't a foot deep with stuff....) What do you think?

I need to get cracking on my CAYN WIP...that's less than a week away. My neurons aren't firing, though, and I know I'd only frustrate myself with Fried Brain Syndrome if I attempted it.

Must not nap...must not nap....


What does it say about me when the dropdown for tags beginning with "eb" are ebay and ebola?!


ebay, sleep

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