Sheep, movies, and SPN 6.1

Sep 25, 2010 12:30

I got home yesterday afternoon to an unexpected parcel on my front doorstep. The return address informed me it was from a company called Woot, in Texas, and the contents were an adorable crib quilt, mostly in navy blue, appliqued with sheep. No packing slip to let me know who it was from.

Quite a mystery, as there are only a handful of people who were in on the sheep joke originally. Back when I was working 2nd shift at the answering service---about 20 years ago---I was staying over at SBJB's because my water had been turned off, and at one point, I left a note saying, "Gone to sheep." I meant sleep, but suddenly, sheep jokes abounded.

Discovered the culprit was none other than sbjb, who said she saw it on the Woot site and thought of me. (According to her, it was $8 and shipping was free---quite a deal, IMO, since it's the best made of any store-bought quilt I've seen.)

Movie night at church was great---I really enjoyed "Taking Woodstock", even though there was minimal Jeff in it. The protagonist was a sweet kid, and his parents were really well played. One scene (the tripping-in the-van scene) threw the pace off a little, but on the whole, it was excellent.

I made it home with time to spare for Supernatural. For a season premiere, I was massively underwhelmed, and that seems to be the online consensus as well.

Okay, show of hands---was anybody surprised AT ALL when Sam showed up? I didn't think so. Partly because we all know it had to happen for the show to continue, but IMO mostly because we've been reading "Sam returns!" fics all summer, and most of them were better than this.

Show of hands if you think the Campbells are evil/up to no good. Yeah, another no-brainer. "Something" just happens to bring back old Grand-dad and Sam...uh-huh. Frankly, I was a whole lot happier when Azazel showed up. It would have made more sense, him and Sam both being loosed from Hell. That, and I wouldn't mind seeing Fred Lehne back on a regular basis. Grampa *didn't* make a deal, he was ganked and worn to the prom, so...IDK.

Show of hands if you thought Lisa looked like an Ooompa-loompa. Honey, lay off the tan-in-a-can or the carrots, whichever. It's not a good look for you.

Show of hands, if you think that when Dean handed/tried to hand the keys off to Sam and said, "She should be out there hunting.", he really meant, "*I* should be out there hunting.", or better yet, "*We* should be out there hunting.".

And another if you wondered where the heck Sam got that bitchin' ride---financed on bogus cards, or what? Probably a lot easier for the props department or whoever to substitute one late-model car for another than keeping track of a half-dozen vintage Impalas.

Honestly, I felt a big disconnect last didn't feel like a season premiere. The whole mysterious deus ex machina annoyed the crap out of me, the Campbells showed up then disappeared before they were really established, and it felt to me like J2 phoned in their performances. That was the biggest disconnect of all. It wasn't just that Dean and Sam were at odds, I had the feeling that their chemistry wasn't there. Maybe I'm reading things into it because I was disappointed by the episode as a whole, but on some level, I *know* that IRL they're not the happy bachelors who pal around on set and off. They're married guys, doing the domestic thing when they're not working, and maybe that's why they've turned into familiar strangers. It remains to be seen if I'm making a judgement call on the basis of a ho-hum episode, or if Things Have Changed.

Afterward, I made an impulse buy on Amazon. I had credit left over after getting my Trauma DVDs, and went to check Catch and Release, which I'd watched over at Schnauzerland. Cute little movie that reminded me A LOT of PS--I Love You, with Timothy Olyphant in the JDM role as the guy who helps the heroine find love after her fiance dies. Got it for $3 and change including shipping, and I *still* have a few bucks left. *grin*

I feel no desire to write anything for Season 6. None.


movie night, birthday, spn, sbjb, sheep

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