Four favorites

Aug 23, 2010 16:25

This is that "Favorite character in four fandoms" meme that's going around. karaokegal gave me Black Sheep Squadron, Leverage, Royal Pains and Watchmen.

Black Sheep Squadron: I whimpered when I saw this on the list, because there was a ton of talent on that show. It came down to a coin-toss between Greg Boyington and Andy Micklin, and I couldn't bring myself to dismiss either of them that way. Greg was smooth and cocky and feisty---Robert Conrad at his best. Micklin was a cantankerous redneck, played with pugnacious glee by exMemphis Mafia member Red West. And together, they made beautiful discord.

Leverage: Okay, here's a curveball---Parker. I love the description of her as "twenty pounds of crazy in a five-pound bag". I love her skewed world view and slightly demented solutions to problems. I would like to get my hands on whatever fuck-nugget has been writing her as a woobie love-struck twit this season, and force-feed him/her/them an IBM Selectric. She deserves better.

Royal Pains: Another really tough call. I'm going to say, Evan, as far as the full-time regular characters so. He's a hustler and he puts his foot in his mouth constantly, but he's earnest and energetic. If he was a dog, he'd be a happy-go-lucky beagle, all waggling tail and enthusiasm. As far as recurring guest characters go, Boris. Because who doesn't love a European silver fox prince-billionaire with---gasp!---a Rare Fatal Disease?! (I would've used my "Chicks dig a good accent" icon, if it wasn't overruled by the next question.)

Watchmen: Come on. Seriously? We all know I'm going to say Eddie Blake, the Comedian. Now, he's not a nice guy, and IRL I'd run a mile. But on film? JDM in all his cigar-chewing, black leather wearing, flame-thrower wielding glory? Yowza! My toes curl at the thought.


meme, meme sheep

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