17 to 50: 1993

Aug 22, 2010 23:20

I've been trying to remember what happened when, and I'm waiting for an email back from GK to clarify some dates.

They say the memory is the second thing to go.

I forget what the first thing is....

* * * * *

January of 1993 heralded the marriage of GK and Himself. (I am just as puzzled now as I was then, but it works for her---!) It was a fairly traditional church wedding, the only potentially startling note being the bride's gown. She made it herself: It had a white satin bodice and a royal blue skirt. Gorgeous, and she pragmatically created something she could repurpose for RenFest.

BlueRoses was her only attendant; I was nominated to take charge of the banquet. Namely, I snuck out of the ceremony early, trotted across the way to the church hall and set out platters of food. I didn't get anything to eat except for a slice of cake; I was too damn busy.

However, being the dogsbody did have its advantages: I was invited to the bridal luncheon for her nearest and dearest, as well as the rehersal dinner, which was held at a very swanky restaurant.

Since I was between jobs, swanky restaurants were fairly few and far between at that time...I ended up going back to school, because there were grants and student jobs and things like that. (I'd do it now, but the student loans hanging over me rule that out. Long story short, avoid loans, go for the grants.) That had the side benefit of working in the same office as Kat; the office she worked in needed someone, and she put in a good word for me.

That was educational, but we'll get to that soon enough.


kat, gk, 50, nostalgia, wedding

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