Shit is what happens while you're busy making other plans....

Mar 23, 2010 23:45

I got an email from GK this afternoon saying NosyNeighbor was moving into Kat's trailer TOMORROW, instead of the 1st of the month as originally planned. Apparently, he's been having some problems with CrazyLandlady so she changed the date to his benefit...which meant getting my stuff out of there PDQ, since his UnspeakableSpawn has NO boundaries and can't be trusted not to be light-fingered.

Fortunately, he wasn't ready, so I've got some time, but BC and I made two trips so that the smaller stuff is safe here. BC got my gnarly old couch down to the curb, and I have to make enough room for the one that's coming. Holy hell, my living room is bursting at the seams and I'm freaking out.

Things were going so well. Before said email arrived, I sorted the rack of purses in my bedroom, then I unloaded all the clothes from the back of the bedroom door, sorted them into separates and dresses, and made two trips out to the garage to hang them out there. I was feeling a sense of modest accomplishment until all hell broke loose.

After running back and forth---twice---and unloading two station wagon loads of stuff and more stuff, it was after six. I barely had time to change clothes before book club/writing group and dash, and at that I just made it at 6:30. I'm all kinds of wrung out. I hope like hell tomorrow doesn't go off the rails like today did.

If I have any pyrokinetic skill at all, NosyNeighbor's head should catch on fire. Srsly.

clean house, bitch please

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