
Mar 23, 2010 01:01

Monday was not the most productive day in recent memory, but I did accomplish a few things, namely, got several bags of trash down to the curb, made sure the hydrangeas were watered and weeded (they seem to be thriving), am mostly through with the book that's "due" for book club/writing group tomorrow night, oh, and wrote 1500 words for the "Ficathon Walks Into a Bar" challenge that's due on the 28th. (I hadn't even *started* the ficathon story til today, and I freely admit, I'm recycling an idea I *wanted* to write for the Crossover_Xchange. The PoV character is different, basically.)

Trauma makes me happy, let me count the ways!

1. Backstory for Rabbit! I totally didn't see that coming, and it got me all choked up.
2. Kevin Tighe guest-starring and chewing some scenery.
3. Watching the "Jus In Bello" ep of SPN this morning and realizing that Nancy the Virgin is Rabbit's partner Marisa. Massive squee. Aimee Garcia rocks!
4. Knowing there are NINE more fresh eps to look forward to.

I make no secret of the fact that one of my primary reasons for watching CSI: Miami over the last couple seasons has been me cougaring Evan Ellington as Kyle Harmon. Last season, around this time last year, they had him doing scut work in the morgue. I admit, I haven't been around much this season---Adam Rodriguez left, and that's another major viewing reason right there. However, during "Undercover Boss", I saw a preview with Kyle Harmon, squeed and tuned in. And I kinda wish I hadn't, because they have essentially written the character out of the show, probably preparatory to killing him off, AND they spiked their own canon to do it. Namely, they enlisted him in the military, are deploying him to Afghanistan AND they said he'd been serving for a year, which is BS. It's been real, but unless things change radically, I don't think I'll be tuning back in.

Next stop: Tuesday....

spn, tv, csi: miami, writing, trauma

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