Dream a little dream

Mar 19, 2010 11:10

I dreamed I met a guy in some kind of classroom or learning environment. It wasn't JDM, but that type---a big bear of a man, dark hair going silver---he was about my age, maybe a tad older---tall enough to make me feel petite, very affectionate. Not afraid of PDAs---at one point, he embraced me and swing me around in the hallway or foyer. When the course was over, the instructor reminded us that she'd predicted one of us would fall in love---and I had. I gathered up my stuff and went out to meet him (this was the hug and swing scene).

Next there was a shower scene; I was in some kind of public shower, like maybe at a gym, in the ladies section, and there was this creepy young boy there watching me. I told him to leave---he didn't---so I picked him up, carried him out of the room at arms' length (still starkers and dripping) and threw him into the corridor outside. He was small enough that it was no great effort for me, and I didn't feel at all guilty about flinging him the way I did.

There was a group of women---bridesmaids, but not mine, alas---GK was one of them, and she showed me a bracelet she'd made to complement her outfit---it was big lavendar beads and gold wire. Then I got together with my boyfriend...the place where the wedding was being held was packed, and he ended up sitting in the pew ahead of me. (It was like at the movies, when the ushers are trying to fill up every seat in the row, and that was how it worked out.) I was thinking of asking someone if they would switch with me, when another couple came in and sat in my row, and the guy was Bruce Willis. I was more concerned with being reunited with my guy. The funny this is, I have no idea whose wedding it was supposed to be. It was very Hollywood in terms of guest list (although Bruce is the only one I remember), but GK as a bridesmaid?

There was also a snippet about couseling a teenage girl with an over-protective mother....


Breaking it down:

I was reading something last night that mentioned taking classes as a good way to meet people. He really was a wonderful guy. I remember being dazed that he was as smitten with me as he was.

The shower scene...well, I *am* having plumbing problems, and I have resorted in the past to showering in the college ladies locker room. Not crazy about it, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

The wedding...okay, I will confess, in my obsessional brain, I've fantasized about having a Hollywood-themed wedding...but it was classic Hollywood---the 30s and 40s---NOT today's Hollywood, which strikes me as over-the-top and tawdry much of the time. Definitely NOT lavendar, either. The fact that the guy was comfortable with escorting me to something like that was cool, although being separated like that was not right. (He looked good in a double-breasted suit---interesting color, kind of a smoky blue or amythest.)

I think the bit about the girl with the over-protective mother was a hint to get back to work on my novel; that sounds like Darby and her mom. The trouble is, I have a book to read before Tuesday, a story assignment to write before the 28th, another idea I want to write that's NOT assigned OR part of the novel---in short, I'm overwhelmed.

Guy sure was yummy, though. Hope my subconscious is prescient!

dream, mr. right, wedding

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