I've had a day. For starters, I got an email from GK last night saying only "Call me about Mom.". The trouble was, I didn't get it til nearly 11, and I know better than to call her at that hour. So, first thing this morning---I called her and found out that they've put Kat into the hospital to get her pain meds regulated and she should be out again by the weekend. GK also asked me what I'd think of moving in with her for the duration.
I said I'd have to think about it; I shouldn't---I should leap to assist her in any way I can---except that I dealt with both of my natural parents in terminal illness, and neither of those situations were complicated by dementia, crazy neighbors, moving out of my house or any #$#%ing cats. I don't know if I can go through that again.
Meanwhile, it was 41F in my office when I got up this morning. I went over to J's to discuss doggy business and to avail myself of her lovely shower. Here's where we get some GOOD news: There's a chance that what I've been doing is going to turn into a real live paying job within the next month or so. (Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease---!) Not necessarily full-time, but probably on a par with the one I had, without having to drive to Melbourne.
To celebrate, I took my $5 gift card to Target...didn't buy anything. Was tempted by some shoes---they have a dandy clearance going, including a boatload of size 11, some of which actually fit---but the only pair in my price range was a pair of open-toed wedges. I might be able to handle wedges, but the thought of open-toed shopes in this weather---brrr! No thanks.
Home by way of WalMart, where I snagged onions and some baking supplies. Onions for something stew-ish, and baking supplies because for one thing, I got a bagful of walnuts on Monday and am thinking about mixing up something like a quickbread or a soda bread or even a coffeecake, although I didn't buy any sugar...I'm *pretty* sure I have some, and can't afford to buy more unless I know for sure I don't. Gingerbread is another possibility...I *DO* have molasses, and
pwcorgigirl's awesome recipe....
Right now, it's 50F in my office, and I've been belatedly battening down the hatches. I hung my throw quilt over the bedroom window holding the A/C to try to insulate it a little and keep the heat in, and I've got a chenille bedspread tacked up over the office doorway so that whatever hot air I build up in here might actually stay here.