God is an Iron *

Nov 30, 2009 23:50

My original plan was to work on my dining room during Hoarders, but the Universe had other plans. How else do you explain the avalance of laundry/etc. from the top of my cedar chest this evening? Gravity? *sigh ( Read more... )

found!, hoarders, clothes, clean house

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ang5fam December 7 2009, 18:25:07 UTC
Watched "Hoarders " for the first time last night- I nearly threw up. I thought it was about folks keeping too many miniature figurines or something- WRONG. Those folks have some serious issues- can't imagine living like that. It was soooo disgusting. Most of them lived alone, too. My house looked like Better Homes and Gardens compared to those even with 3 small children at home.
There's no excuse for that kind of filth. I won't be watching that again..disturbed me too much.


vanillafluffy December 9 2009, 22:48:21 UTC
Monday's ep was pretty extreme, and I feel like a model of mental health next to either one of those women. The one with the goats...okay, I know my house needs repair work, but I think it's pretty obvious that if you've got goats eating your house, you get rid of the freakin' goats! The other lady was flat-out not playing with a full deck. The one I really felt sorry for was her daughter, who had to figure out what to DO with mama once the house was condemned. She definitely needed supervision!

I'm not THAT bad, and I don't ever want to be, but mental illness isn't something you can choose, any more than H1N1. I say a prayer for them and try to do a little more on my surroundings....


ang5fam December 14 2009, 21:45:45 UTC
Some of it may be mental illness but I would wager a lot of it is sheer laziness and no self-respect. There are also a lot of people who constantly act helpless when they could get a lot done in the time they take to whine.
I've moved furniture , cleaned other people's houses and much more all while being 9 months pregnant. You do what you have to do- waiting and wishing for a magic answer borders on ridiculous.


vanillafluffy December 15 2009, 00:31:23 UTC
You mean the brownies aren't going to come in the middle of the night and bail me out?! DAMN, my troop leader lied!

Seriously though, I understand how after it gets to a certain point, it can be pretty overwhelming. The trick is not letting it get to that point. Me, right now I'm chipping away at my office, which is showing a lot more floor space than it did a couple days ago because I'm making room for my tree. It's not perfect, I'm not going to fall into the trap of "all or nothing", I'm just happy that it's better.


ang5fam December 15 2009, 01:33:46 UTC
I wasn't making reference to your house- I've never even been inside so I have no idea what your housekeeping prowess is-- ha ha
I do know that I had such a thick covering of dust on my cedar chest yesterday that it looked like someone had sprayed it with fake snow. After I dusted it, it was amazingly shiny!! I had to laugh. Those are the kinds of things that I put off until I can't stand it any longer.
I can cook like the wind but cleaning is something I put off till the very last.


vanillafluffy December 15 2009, 01:57:56 UTC
I have no idea what your housekeeping prowess is

Prowess, or lack thereof...I've seen your house, and I can safely say that next to me, you're a paragon of cleanliness and tidyness. No lie.

On the other hand, I've been in this house since 1974 and I'm a packrat. I've made repeated stabs at getting organized, occasionally with help, so that I have a lot of boxes packed up that I don't know the contents of. I'll know that I have a particular book, keepsake or artifact SOMEWHERE, but where?! So I'm afraid to just blindly start pitching lest I chuck something vital.


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