God is an Iron *

Nov 30, 2009 23:50

My original plan was to work on my dining room during Hoarders, but the Universe had other plans. How else do you explain the avalance of laundry/etc. from the top of my cedar chest this evening? Gravity? *sigh*

It's your basic waterfall front art deco chest, and the pile atop it was about up to my waist. Now that it's migrated south, it's halfway to my knees. I've filled two boxes with books, and laundry is ongoing. I'm going to have a whole bunch of new things to wear that have been submerged for several seasons.

I found several purses that were MIA, but the happiest find was in an overnight bag I clearly haven't used in a while, because I've been looking for it for ages: 'Ears', my Estonian alarm clock. It's a circular clock set into a ring of plush leopard print with pointy ears. It was a delightful gift several years ago from kukkurkurat, and it went missing after one of my house-sitting gigs. Things is, there were a couple within a few weeks, and I couldn't recall where I'd last seen Ears. I asked everyone I could think of, and was dreadfully guilty, because it's so cool and I felt so careless---this is such a relief! I've added a fresh battery and it's ticking away.

Today started awfully early...I'm probably going to meander off to bed soon.


* Points to you if you get the reference.

found!, hoarders, clothes, clean house

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