Looking at my calendar

Sep 28, 2009 16:44

Kat let me drive her "new" car. She got it last week---it's a Kia Spectra, somewhat used. She isn't happy with it and is making noises about taking it back to the dealership if she can, but compared to my POS, it's not bad. Automatic, power steering, a/c---what more do ya need?

Did the regular weekly office visit for bloodwork---second visit scheduled for Friday because something is out-of-whack. Next week, we see the actual oncologist on Monday and follow up with the neurologist on Wednesday.

Next week's going to be a woolly booger---in addition to the above, I've been ordered to appear at Job Services for some kind of work-search training class on Tuesday. It's supposed to give me the tools, blahblahblah...so I go in nicely dressed, with a copy of my resume, an extra pen and paper and look attentive. Since my continued benefits hinge on it, yeah...it'll also give me a chance to make my mandatory weekly contacts---a Good Thing, since the rest of my week is DAMN BUSY.

In addition to Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday being full, Thursday GK comes in for the wedding---we drive to Tampa directly from the airport, decorate the venue and have the rehersal on Friday, the wedding is on Saturday and we return on Sunday. I'll miss church, but I should be back in time for SUPPER club.

Meanwhile, this week is a little less fraught. Nothing is carved in stone until Thursday-Friday. Mb has a conference she has to go to for work---it's in Tampa, and she wants company, so she's invited me. The plan is that we go over early Thursday and I'll lounge poolside while she's off conferring, then we'll do a spot of shopping sight-seeing, have pizzas back at the hotel, and some must-see TV. (Perhaps I can convert her?) Friday morning, we'll head back, and I should be home in time to make it to movie night at church.

Saturday is currently free, which means laundry, housework, et al. Next Sunday...my lawn gets mowed, but NOT by me. (I set that up when I got back from lunching with Kat.) And sometime this week or early next, I have to finish my dress. GK and I did the pinning when she was here last---I still have to cut it, turn the raw edge over and hem it down and THEN attach the trim. Theoretically, the first part shouldn't take more than an hour. The trim, since it's sequinned, is going to mean hand-stitching for best effect---that's a classic sit-in-front-of-the-TV-and-do-it project. And yes, I will contrive to get pictures of my splendor. Somehow.*

Granted, buying us both lunch may have been less than frugal, but damn it, I *miss* our former standing lunch date. It was like, all of a sudden, bang! I lost my job, got assigned to doctor duty, ran out of money and became the nanny/matron/enemy all at once. And I do not like transitions at the best of times---which this is definitely NOT.

* Why is it that everyone else in the civilized world seems to have NO PROBLEM procuring contemporary technology---cell phones, digital cameras (sometimes cell phones WITH digital cameras!), iPods, laptops, Blackberries, Blueteeth---and I'm stuck back in the late 20th century with a tied-down landline, a disposable camera and a computer so old the chip in it is a Dorito---and no printer?! /whine

car, kat, bitch please, wedding

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