Upcoming events (and lack thereof)

Jul 23, 2009 00:34

I got a few things done today, preparing to be gone for a week: detrashified the bedroom, did dishes, burned a new CD for the commute.

Watched the Presidential News Conference with pleasure. Would LOVE to ask the Prez a few more questions about healthcare reform, particularly about reforming the insurance industry. For instance, about the difficulty of getting payments for third-party participants and the standardization of rejection letters.

This is a pet peeve from my medical billing days: There is ONE and only one correct universal health insurance claim form, it's what every single U.S. insurance company demands before they will even consider a claim---but the insurors are free to send back any damn incomprehensible answer they want. Ask missybrat, it's NOT English, it's some insane hybrid of legalese and bullshit. How about standardizing the goddamn answers. Something along the lines of, Yes, we will pay you---check enclosed. (Okay, that one we could usually figure out.)

But no? Say NO in English, people, and give us a coherent reason! Such as, No, this test isn't covered. No, we are not the patient's primary coverage. No, we need more information---and then clearly specify what it is!!! *deep breath* Sorry. *twitch*

Watched Criminal Minds afterward---a rerun, but I liked it the first time around, so why not? Then I hit the DVR for Leverage---which is *so* much smoother when you can zoom through the commercials. (Although now?! I have a craving for chicken fried steak. I'm just sayin'....)

Tomorrow, thank goodness, is Thursday, so I can float a check at Walgreens regardless of whether my fucking refund is back in my account or not. (Do I need any more fucking stress in my life right now?! Clearly, the evil Electronic Banking Gods think I do.)

In happier news, as I was wondering what GK's travel plans were for the rest of the summer, I got an email saying that she (and the Things) would be down around the end of August. It's nice to know my telepathy is still working.

medical billing, obama, banking, tv, psychic, clean house

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