Desktop Meme

Jul 22, 2009 14:00

Ganked from karaokegal
1. Anyone who looks at this entry has to post this meme and their current wallpaper at their LiveJournal.*
2. Explain in five sentences why you're using that wallpaper!
3. Don't change your wallpaper before doing this! The point is to see what you had on.

The source: It's a mock-motivational banner of Jeffrey Dean Morgan's character from Watchmen (Now out on DVD!) created by dodger_winslow.

I've had a "thing" for JDM for a long time now, so that's one good reason for it to be up there. Of course, he's not nearly as scenic here as he is in RL.

(For comparative purposes:
Seriously gorgeous.)

The other reason is the sentiment (or lack thereof). Here I am, late 40s, getting to the point where things are not what they were: skin texture is changing, lines are showing up and becoming more defined, joints hurt when I move wrong...all that. But do I really want to kick the bucket now while I can still pass myself off as 30-something? Nah, not so much. Which means steeling myself to the fact that where I am right now is probably the best I'm going to be from now til---whenever. I'm not in an income bracket that would allow me to "have a little work done"---I'll be doing good to afford false teeth---so I need to learn to accept the things I cannot change. Without whimpering, without blowing my paycheck on "anti-aging" creams---I'd need a freaking bathtub full---realizing the wrinkles and wobbly bits are the price I pay for surviving.


* If you're so inclined. I'm not going to go around checking up on you all---I have better things to do.

meme, jdm

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