Back and forth

Jun 29, 2009 00:45

Am back at Casa C after 8+ hours at Schnauzerland. It turns out that S's definition of "sandwich things" means Hot Pockets in her freezer, and not much else. (Meaning, I know what I'll be taking with me to work for lunches this week.) There was a chocolate cake under a translucent dome on the counter---I *wish* I'd checked it before going to Publix, as it turned out to be dotted with green mold when I made to pounce on it after dinner (turkey on sunflower seed bread with gruyere cheese, yum!). There's ice cream here, so I'll live.

Schnauzerland isn't the same without Macs. Stormy wheezes and Sunny barks when I come in but otherwise ignores me. PC (cat) is out more than she is in, not much there to bond with. In contrast, Rosie likes chasing a tennis ball (so did Macs), Bear is mellow, greets incoming people in a fairly dignified way, is seldom underfoot but is still friendly, and Gizmo (cat) is somewhat more affectionate than PC, but is present about the same amount of time.

Given the choice, despite the fact that S's bed is by far more comfortable (and NOT up a flight of stairs, either), despite her hot tub, I'd rather be here. I get along better with the computer, for one thing. The C's have interesting books, which S&T don't, and I've never had the sense of nagging dread that I was going to eat something or move something or somehow fuck up badly enough that they were going to Go Off on me. Also? I feel like they really value me/my services. It's not just a matter of money---AI left me some special 'gourmet' shampoo and some fun 'zines to look through, there are tasty things in the fridge---and they ask IF I can stay, not for granted that I can't possibly have anything more important to do.

So when the C's ask, Can I?---My pleasure. Any time. And it looks like the next time is going to month. More a/c, yay!

However, S and I go back to...circa 1982. A long damn time. I'm bad at making 'no' stick when it's her. Even when the answer is HELL no with a cherry on top. Mea culpa....

house-sitting, schnauzerland

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