A grand day out

Jun 09, 2009 01:30

It rained AGAIN: no swimming. However, otherwise it was a pretty good day. GK and I came to an agreement that there are a few things I will have dibs on if/when Kat goes, IE, the fridge. Meanwhile, I have had access to the Grandma Lode of fabric; got a length of lime green stuff that I want to make a simple skirt from---it'll go well with my black and green top. A funny thing---we were both wearing dark neutral pants and tops with black, white and an accent color---and when we compared notes, found both tops were from TJ Maxx.

GK kept me fed: We dropped of the first vanful of stuff at the Sharing Center, hit McD's---chicken sandwich for her, fish for me. Went back, took on another load, got Kat and took all that to Sharing Center, then went in and browsed. Due to the fact that I had a total budget of $14 for the day, I didn't get every piece of hammered aluminum I saw---just one, which was particularly choice.

I've been collecting for well over a decade, and have never seen a similar one. It's a rectangular tray. The long sides are bent up at 45-degree angles for about a half-inch. Straight aluminum rods span the short sides as handles. The design embossed in the center is a continuous length of chain---very celtic-looking. At first I thought it was Canterbury Arts, which specialized in that sort of thing, but it's Everlast, which usually did the more fruits-and-flowers type designs. It was all of $4, which is about a quarter of what I paid for the lone Canterbury Arts tray I have.

We stopped at Taco Bell on the way to Goodwill. It's right next to my bank, where I had to write a check to cash---more on adventures in banking later*---and scored a steak quesadilla. Goodwill---there my major score was a neat pair of kitten-heeled black shoes with big fauceted stones in lieu of bows. Leather uppers, size 11, and worn/broken in enough that they fit despite not being wide. (Oh, btw pwcorgigirl, GK was delighted with the boots. They fit her just right, and she says they'll be excellent with trousers come winter.)

Aside from the items mentioned, my net was two books and a leopard-print chiffon scarf---more orangey than most of the leopard prints I see. I still have $2 and change left, gee, wow....

GK wanted to print a copy of her boarding pass, so we zipped to the library. Kat and I stayed in the van. She napped and I read one of my new acquisitions. GK was a busy little bee---in addition to the boarding pass, she inquired of the staff as to what it would take to get me a library card again---I don't think I've ever gone into that saga here, but basically, they claimed I'd lost a new book and sent me to collections, charging me the cost of the book plus what they claim the collection agency charged them---$75. This all went down around '02; I've never had a spare $75, and anyway, I hadn't lost their fucking book, so...etc.

According to her, the staff looked in the system, which as apparently new since my time, and said I wasn't in there as delinquent or anything, so theoretically I can go in there with ID and they'll set me up with a new card, and all will be joy and skittles. (Or joy and Starbursts, whatever.)

As if that wasn't happiness enow, she got a stack of Little Ceasar's pizzas on the way home, including one for me. We detoured to the humane society---closed, but we dropped off some decrepit towels for their use. They won't mind!

I have watched last week's Harper's Island for, like, the fourth time. I am no closer to figuring out wtf is going on, but OMG the hurt/comfort/angst potential for Sheriff Mills has me flailing wildly. If, of course, he survives the next few eps. (Although I was right about who was going to die this week, though not necessarily why.)


* The bank business is making me insane. If I ever got a new card, god only knows where it is. I called my bank, extremely not happy about the whole thing...remember the other day, I said they'd sent it registered mail? Oh no, that would be too freaking simple. I had two green "Come and get it" postcards---I *thought* that's what it was, but no, I got to the post office and it turns out that my mail carrier is a four-star, gold-plated idjit, because the whatever it was want for me, it's for the Asshats next door. And the bozo somehow managed to leave TWO notifications in my mailbox. Silly me, not looking to see who it was addressed to, since after all, it was in my mailbox and there were TWO of them. So I called the bank today, they are asking to have the card reissued, which will take 7-10 business days. I swear, if I ever get my hands on the dipstick that arbitrarily canceled my card, I'm going to knock him/her on his/her ass and stomp them to a pulp. Thank God for online banking.

harper's island, goodwill, collecting, banking, gk, library, aluminium

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