Today was the usual lunch with Kat, after which I raided my piggy bank and put enough cash in my checking account to cover my FPL bill. Then (I was on a roll), I got "prequalified" for a program that's supposed to help hurricane-proof homes...mind you, that was just answering questions so they'd send me an application. Per them, when I send in said application, I go onto a waiting list for God Knows how long. But it's a start.
More writing, and some TV.
First while I was flipping channels, I caught both Fred Lehne AND Christine Rose in an ep of NCIS. Shazam! And then Heroes.
Holy wow, I actually got caught up in all three storylines this week, even though I don't particularly like Clare and I cliffed Nathan earlier in the week. But Peter and Angela?! Love, love, love! I adore her, I've become rather fond of him, and I even beamed benevolently at HRG when he let them go and let them *know* he was letting them go.
And the Sylar/Danko partnership is so unholy it's fabulous. There were a few lines in there (of course, now I can't think of them to quote) that set my slash bunnies off big time. Now I want hardcore Sylar/Danko slash in the worst way---with Sylar topping, naturally---and I can just imagine Sylar using his newest ability to completely skullfuck his partner.
CSI: Miami, meh, not so much. Although Adam Rodriguez in the shower wasn't torture.
I have Too Fast Too Furious on in the background---hey, James Remar and Eva Mendez, these are both Good Things. And this weekend I will be seeing the new F&F and enjoying my boy Vin.
GK arrives tomorrow night and we'll be running around on Wednesday. First taking care of some business for Kat, lunch at Cracker Barrel, and at some point, The Watchmen, yay!
Life is good.