Had the annual congregational meeting today at church. Guh. Would not have gone if not for that; I need a sleep-in Sunday, damn it. As usual, a certain amount of BS, but the changes are for the better, IMO.
I've been a) working on a fic for
cream_fudge (although tomorrow morning may have been a little optimistic) and b) started fiddling with a project for CUUPs.
April's CUUPs project is going to be tiaras, and I had an idea. I got a 99-cent cloth-covered visor, and by rotating it, have decided it'll make an excellent tiara. Instead of wearing it down like a baseball cap, I've reoriented it so that the curve of the bill is upright on the head facing out and the arms of the visor are worn like a headband.
The visor itself is beige, I've got a whole roll of gathered ivory lace, tons of decorative fabric and a shitload of beads. Stay tuned, this is going to be amazing.
Back to the fic....