A very productive Wednesday, go me!

Feb 04, 2009 21:50

I'm pleased with how much I got done today. The throne got moved around as I swept and slid and tossed things. Prior to today, there was a pine credenza next to the couch with a lamp on it. Now the credenza is beside the front door (in a row with all the organizers holding my craft stuff), there is a low end table holding the lamp, and the throne is beside the couch. It's a little crowded---NOT a lot of room between the throne and the china cabinet---but it's oh-so-much-better than it was. I had to pitch quite a bit to get the credenza moved, go me!

Called J. about selling stuff on eBay---we were going to do it last year with my LeSnobbi bag, but I got with her mid-March and she pointed out the time frame involved to list it, get payment, and transfer from PayPal to my bank, and it wasn't going to work. I should've started sooner this year, but it's hard to get things together when nothing is accessable. Anyway, I'm going over there Sunday after church with the first load of stuff. Go, me.

I also found time, between bouts of cleaning, to work on start The Novel. The format I've got allows for sporadic, bite-sized pieces, so I won't be worrying about chapter length, and could, if I were so inclined, not write it in order at all. Go, me....

ebay, original fiction, writing, clean house

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