May 21, 2008 01:15
Today was a mixed bag. The highlights were a dad buying a bunch of Trendicrap stuff for his daughter---he put her on the phone to tell me what she wanted, then he gave me the credit card info and added a couple more items. (That would've been cooler if I hadn't been getting a weird "Lolita" vibe...probably my imagination, but you never know.) Then I wrapped up the evening by selling TWO LeSnobbi bags to a caller, $517, thank you very much!
The pits was finding out that contrary to reasonable expectation, I've been scheduled for Memorial Day. (I was told by someone in Scheduling last week that due to my seniority, I could *expect* Memorial Day off.) Am highly perturbed. Because a) it's my regular day off, b) I have mondo seniority, and c) I HAVE PLANS. HulaGirl may take it for me---she's having to move and needs all the extra cash she can get for deposits and the like. We'll see what happens.
Tomorrow, Kat's mom returns from Oklahoma. (Kat's not happy about it, because G'ma's 90-something and Not All There. Kat's under enough stress without that, but apparently G'ma's driving everyone in OK nuts.) I promised to go to the airport with her---she needs someone to watch the van while she runs in to collect G'ma. It'll take a big chuck out of my day, but she'd do the same for me.
Can't think of anything else right now...good night.
bitch please,