Style and substance

May 24, 2007 01:11

Somehow, Wednesday evening has become my night for TV. No more Jericho, *puppy dog eyes, pout, trembling lower lip* but there's still Criminal Minds, which I DO love, followed by a block of the Style channel. I don't like Clean House as much as I did Clean Sweep, but Dress My Nest improves on Queer Eye in several ways. (Namely, I had a 'thing' for Eric on Clean Sweep, their sort-and-sell team wasn't as brutal as these guys, and CH sounds blatantly like product placement at times.)

With DMN vs. QE, for one thing, so far, they seem to be decorating for chicks. Which makes sense, because at the risk of stereotyping, most straight guys HAVE no style, and most gay guys have enough style not to need decorators. There's none of the tedious "now we're going to show you how to dress and what to cook". Nope! It's all "We're gonna make your place look as fabulous as you do, so just run along to this posh hotel for a couple days, and when you get back, it'll be all new loot!"

Since DMN bases it on what you give them, you have to think about what it is that you like about those pieces and how they might translate to a room. It's certainly made me think about how I might inspire a room through what I wear...except that in my case, I don't have a decorator to ride to my rescue with pots of money and free furniture. Using what I've already got in creative ways---well, my inspiration outfit would *definitely* include my pop cap belt---very playful and colorful and made from recycled materials (by

criminal minds

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