Canasta, cauliflower and crafting

Jan 15, 2007 23:15

Canasta was slightly less lively this week, owing to the presence of a newbie---L, who's husband works with T. That meant the rest of us had to be more circumspect than usual---no bad language or references to the hostess's colorful past. Got to see 
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Here be spoilers vanillafluffy January 16 2007, 15:35:38 UTC
I saw that, but it doesn't want to work for me. I tried it last night and got an obnoxious message about a server joy this morning, either. I'm sure it'll turn up on YouTube.

What made my ears perk up was the rat-at-the-Roadhouse angle, the fact that Jo has taken off to hunt, and Ellen's comment that there are plenty of hunters who might be able to figure out what's going on.

Jo selling them out---maybe, if she still thinks John is responsible for her dad's death, she might want to hurt them that much. (And I noticed Ellen skittered away from telling Sam/us that story....) The she's-gone-hunting aspect could mean the anti-Jo sentiment on the part of a lot of fangirls has registered with the Powers That Be and it was a plausible way to get rid of her---or they're setting up a storyline where she's going to be used against them; it would be a bit repetitive for her to be possessed like Meg, but as Trojan horses go, it might work.

The number of hunters surprised me a bit; geez, if all these hunters are hanging around the Roadhouse, who's out there actually, you know, hunting? And if there are that many of them, it strains credulity to think that the boys haven't bumped into any of them before this. However, it introduces the probability that we'll start to see more of them, good, bad and mediocre. And some flashbacks of other hunters and John is always a possibility!


Re: Here be spoilers starhawk2005 January 16 2007, 21:29:45 UTC
saw that, but it doesn't want to work for me. I tried it last night and got an obnoxious message about a server joy this morning, either. I'm sure it'll turn up on YouTube.

Oh darn...

Jo selling them out

Hm. I hadn't thought of that at all, but it's an intriguing possibility. Still, I still seem to recall Kripke saying Jo would be like a sister to the boys, so that wouldn't jive with her going after them...but who knows?

or they're setting up a storyline where she's going to be used against them; it would be a bit repetitive for her to be possessed like Meg, but as Trojan horses go, it might work.

Yeah, I just thought that, too. Let's hope if TPTB are paying that much attention to us, they'll also register the fact a lot of us want JDM back...

The number of hunters surprised me a bit; geez, if all these hunters are hanging around the Roadhouse, who's out there actually, you know, hunting?

*lol* Maybe they work in shifts. ;)

And some flashbacks of other hunters and John is always a possibility!

Yummers. John, and 'in action'. No complaints here!


Re: Here be spoilers vanillafluffy January 17 2007, 06:02:19 UTC
I still seem to recall Kripke saying Jo would be like a sister to the boys
Well then, all that Wincest seems to have rubbed off on Dean, cuz he's made some darned unbrotherly noises---if he wasn't intimidated by her mom. On the other hand, Ellen's got a definite maternal vibe---I *love* Ellen!---so I'm glad they figured a way to keep her involved while shooing Jo offstage.

Let's hope if TPTB are paying that much attention to us, they'll also register the fact a lot of us want JDM back.
Amen. It seems to me I read somewhere that he was already contracted for more eps, but that may have been crack and/or wishful thinking on my part.

Yummers. John, 'in action'.
*licks lips* Yeah, give Jared and Jensen a week off and do a major flashback ep, preferably being told by someone who can shed more light on how John found out about the other children. Something! Anything! Throw us a bone, Kripke!


Re: Here be spoilers starhawk2005 January 17 2007, 18:10:21 UTC
Wincest seems to have rubbed off on Dean, cuz he's made some darned unbrotherly noises---if he wasn't intimidated by her mom

Oh, I know! But wouldn't it be a kick in the teeth if we did find out that was the case? And it would explain why Ellen would try to keep Jo from hanging out with the boys. ;)

It seems to me I read somewhere that he was already contracted for more eps, but that may have been crack and/or wishful thinking on my part.

I remember hearing at the start of S2 that he's supposedly agreed to do 4 eps. total this season, but....who knows if that was/is true. Or hasn't changed since then. Then again, I think he said on Rachel Ray that he's finished shooting his two movies, so who knows...

Yeah, give Jared and Jensen a week off and do a major flashback ep, preferably being told by someone who can shed more light on how John found out about the other children. Something! Anything! Throw us a bone, Kripke!

Oooh, me likey. Me likey a lot. An all!Daddy ep. would rock my
pantiessocks right off...


Great minds thinking alike vanillafluffy January 17 2007, 18:36:35 UTC
But wouldn't it be a kick in the teeth if we did find out that was the case? And it would explain why Ellen would try to keep Jo from hanging out with the boys.
The thought had crossed my mind! (And reading some hot John-Ellen did nothing to abate it.)

An all!Daddy ep. would rock my panties socks right off...
I think you were right the first time. (Me too!)


Re: Great minds thinking alike starhawk2005 January 17 2007, 20:32:41 UTC
The thought had crossed my mind! (And reading some hot John-Ellen did nothing to abate it.)

*snort* I'll bet...

I think you were right the first time. (Me too!)

*lol* It would probably frighten my fiance to observe that occurring, however. ;)


Re: Great minds thinking alike vanillafluffy January 18 2007, 05:42:38 UTC
What I'm really hoping to run across one of these days is some good John-Ellen hurt-comfort. It doesn't even have to be SEX, just hurt him and put him back together. (Gawd, I'm an evil bee-yotch....)


Re: Great minds thinking alike starhawk2005 January 18 2007, 18:43:56 UTC
*lol* Nah, I'm sure someone'll come up with some eventually...if they haven't already...


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