Canasta, cauliflower and crafting

Jan 15, 2007 23:15

Canasta was slightly less lively this week, owing to the presence of a newbie---L, who's husband works with T. That meant the rest of us had to be more circumspect than usual---no bad language or references to the hostess's colorful past. Got to see 
sbjb  for the first time in ages, as well as one of our peripheral canasta pals, S's old friend K. SBJB is the only person I know of in RL who knows *anything* about my life on LJ---which is probably just as well.

I ended up spending the night at Schnauzerland...between having a couple drinks and not having gotten enough sleep Sunday morning, I figured it was the most sensible option. Was up and out before S got conscious and stopped by the wholesale club on the way home (Cheaper gas there than the place in Melbourne I've gotten into the habit of stopping at -- $2.20g) and wandered around there for a while grabbing things like a twelve-pack of canned tuna, a couple bags of frozen tortellini, the latest Janet Evanovich in hardcover, chocolate cookies and some oatmeal bars.

As I was exiting, I ran into one of my ex-coworkers...not one of my favorite people there; I had my private suspicions that she may have been at least partially behind the campaign that got me fired---but knowing that I have a better job now goes a long way to mitigating my ire. (It also helped that I was looking pretty good---basic black tee and pants under my dragon kimono-shirt with the "matching" hat. It's not like I was schlepping around in something ragged...not that I have that much ragged stuff in my wardrobe these days. Still, I need to thin it out some more---if I don't look fabulous in it, it's gotta go!)

Came home, had brunch, was all geared up to see JDM on Rachel Ray, except apparently I got my wires crossed on the details somewhere along the line, because the only thing I found was her rhapsodizing about pasta with cauliflower sauce like it was an orgasmic experience, and I'm sorry, but cauliflower---?! Not in the same universe as JDM, that's for sure! Obviously, I'm going to have to cruise YouTube for The Right Stuff.

Finally got to see last week's SPN. *eyeroll* I'm not totally surprised by The Big Secret after the fics I've been reading, but uh, let's just say I'll believe it when I see it---maybe.

Meanwhile, I've been beading a caddy to stash my MP3 player in---I don't feel secure with it hanging from the jack the way it does---using a new medium---screen mesh. It's basic black, a tidy grid that's easily stitched with a quilting needle and black thread. That size needle is also a workable size for most of the beads I have. I foresee multiple holders...hmm, maybe I should get iPod dimensions and try my hand at a few of those for gifts/resale.

Needed a nap, cuz between Sunday morning and Sunday night, I think I got a *total* of seven hours, and I was nodding off in my chair at the keyboard.

Have gotten some Nancy 'verse notes transcribed, but very little new material. My bad....

spn, crafts

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