Just another manic Sunday....

Jan 14, 2007 15:33

In the wake of the great news, I've had a small orgy of shopping---like I need an excuse for that, right? I spent my first forty-something years not paying a whole lot of attention to what I wore, and then a few years ago, had a belated surge of fashion hormones. (Am still waiting for the make-up hormones---I'm cosmetically challenged!) Three items, that's all---a denim skirt (I have been trying to find one for a couple years now, so this is a thrill), a little black shrug, and a belt that I could not pass up. See for yourself:

The skirt has obviously been fitted to the mannequin---but the measurements given correspond with mine. It's LONG, almost ankle length, which will give me a nice line. I wanted it badly enough to be late for church to snipe it on eBay---THAT'S how badly I wanted it!

The cardigan with cherries, as Torrid calls it, is just too cute. I have a red and black plaid skirt that I've been looking for a topper for, since I have a couple of shells I wear it with, and they need something over top. And it'll go with black pants, of which I have many pairs, my black skirt---it's just too damn cute!

The belt is also Torrid---it may not be clear from the pic, but it's stretchy black rubber studded with pop bottle caps, and the buckle is a seat belt latch. It made me chuckle, and my inner rockabilly queen went "Yeehaw!" Had to have it!

Still haven't found the ideal leather coat or the perfect boots yet, but I'm still looking determinedly. I also passed the word to GK when she was here, since she's up North, where there's more of that stuff around. I figure at this time of year, a lot of people got new coats for Xmas, and are going to be ridding themselves of their old ones, so maybe I'll get lucky that way.

Another canasta party to look forward to this evening---T is out of town, and S apparently doesn't have enough company (although I'd've thought 16 paws would be enough...three schnauzers and a cat, if you're keeping score).

Tomorrow I'll write something. Honest!
Bumper snicker on a pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness: Save the ta-tas....
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