Nov 08, 2007 23:36
today i was the lunch lady, how cool am i? only without the mole and hairnet....i've got more training to do i guess. actually, Hannah's school doesn't have a lunchroom per se, so on Thursdays, the different sports teams' parents volunteer to bring in items and serve the kids. fortunately it's a very small school, and fortunately, i was in a good mood :) they had spaghetti...easy and cheap. it also gave me a chance to spend some time with two of the moms of girls Hannah cheers with. (yes..i have a cheerleader daughter. i don't know how this happened, but she likes it so i'm going with it). they seemed to let me into their Mom clique so Y.A.Y for me. they were really very nice, and i'm glad to start getting to know more people at her school.
i am so glad i'm not a teenager anymore and anyone that wishes they were back in those days, must not have done it right. i know my ears are old when the average young person's conversation makes me want to dig my eardrums out and stomp on them. yes. i'm an old fart officially.
i also found out some info today on joining the Art Guild in our area. i was completely surprised there was such a thing here! but, this will give me an opportunity to meet other local artists (if i dare call myself one), and to exhibit some work at some point. even if it isn't some big time gallery event, it's still cool to know others see what i have done (besides you all of course).
btw, thank you all for taking your time in looking at my photos and offering advice. the sharing of your time is flattering. i realized i need to start being sure to actually NAME my photos, because somehow, talking about PX000023 nov/dec, is quite inconvenient. it's good to know that some of my favorites are among ones that were picked. i really hope to pick up some knowledge of the technical portion of using my camera, because i know my scope is limited with not understanding all that can be done with it. i have a "how to" book, but i've always been a hands on learner. perhaps being in the Art group will guide me to some that i can use.
and on a completely random tangent... one of my LJ friends posted a YouTube video with a couple doing some dance at their wedding reception that was apparently, and unfortunately, choreographed for the "entertainment" of their guests. there were a number of these types of videos posted to YouTube. i guess we can thank Dancing with the Stars for this latest trend in weddings. christ...what's wrong with just saying i me some cake and an open bar and just dancing like an idiot with the rest of us after we're all tanked?? do you seriously think i want to be forced to watch you guys perform some lame dance number to the accompaniment of really crappy late 80's music, especially when it's evident this is the first time you have danced where it includes more than just stepping side to side and shaking your ass? thankfully there are no weddings that i have to go to in my near future. it should also be noted that there was no sight of any black folks doing any of these "performances".. only really really white people with no souls.
((shakes head))
i'm just so bitter
no dancing zone