Daydream (Petshop of Horrors, PapaDxCountD)

Jun 06, 2007 22:25

Title: Daydream
Series: Petshop of Horrors
Pairing: PapaDxCount D
Type: WTF, PWP
Word Count: 2496
Warnings: OOC (probably), incest, yaoi, mindfuck, rape, no!lube, squick, spoilers for the entire series, pre-series, AU 
Beta: Speaky_bean for some parts, my crappy mental map of diction for the others. Forgive and/or report errors if you will XD
A/N: SOB I am sorry for all the wrong, but HERE YOU GO XD I actually never wrote noncon before, so if it seems awkward, that’s probably it. xD;
Summary: Papa D teaches his son a difficult lesson…


“Daydreaming again I see, my son.” D immediately looked up from the fish tank he was gazing at, turning around. He knew that voice, it was like grandfather’s, different only in intonation.

“Father.” The figure, clouded into puffs of incense, came forward at the title. D recognised the look in those eyes, calculating and playful. Grandfather had told him to be weary should his father ever appear when he wasn’t around. D made sure his voice was cool, not showing anything other than indifference.

“I hope it has not turned into a common occurrence, but I wouldn’t be surprised, with father raising you.” His father raised a long purple fingernail to his lips, not effective in hiding his smirk but rather emphasizing his amused mood.

“Would you like some tea, father?” He was hesitant in leaving his new fish, a rare butterfly koi named Pippy, alone with his father, but the animals showed no sign of distress. The mood of the animals was to be trusted at all times, grandfather had said, as they sensed instinctively whether someone was dangerous, or whether they could remain unpunished.

“That would be nice. Extra sugar, if you will.” Papa D sat down, relaxing in the familiar confines on the brown sofa with red pillows. He remembered in well… but it had bored him, after a while. The entire store had become a sanctuary as well as a prison, an incredibly slow way of getting what he truly wanted. A punishment for him as well. How ironic. And his son was now trapped as he had been, once. Protected, but also coddled from reality.

“Of course.” He dropped four cubes of sugar in his tea, and did the same to his father’s cup. He glanced at his father, not shyly, but merely curious. He was surprised to see him holding out a prettily decorated box, complete with red ribbons and curly font. “Real Belgian chocolates from Chez Travaille?” He identified the box quickly, remembering it well from the time grandfather had taken him with him on his travels, as a rare occasion.

“The birds told me you liked them.” D gasped. He had completely forgotten that information given to animals might be given to his father, no matter how kind the animals were he talked to.

“Besides… it would be impolite to not bring gifts, would it not?” Father continued, his smirk widening at the broken calm on his son’s face. This was almost too easy.

D shook himself out of his surprise and tried to find his calm back in the lull of conversation, something his father seemed to be trying as well. “Ah, I suppose. Thank you.” He took the box with him, unpacked the tarts calculatingly as to not mess up the frosting with his nails, and placed them on some fine china. Taking a deep breath, he tried to gather his thoughts. Grandfather had told him to be weary around his father as the man always had some hidden agenda. And though this wasn’t unheard of among their race, to carry a different view of the way in which the filthy humans ought to be punished was rare indeed.

“Daydreaming again, my son?” The words pierced D’s thoughts and he snapped his head up, his mismatched eyes focused on his father’s. There was something peculiar about his tone of voice.

“A-Ah, I apologise if I was taking too long,” D spoke politely, picking up the tray on which he had placed the baked goods and tea.

Father D tilted his head, raising one eyebrow quizzically. “Are you so intent on politeness, a trait only insisted upon by humans? Did father teach you this?” He stepped closer, his black slippers sliding smoothly over the hardwood floor. “My poor son, so misguided so early in his life…” he raised his hand, fingers trailing through D’s hair, uncovering his eyes partially. “Open your eyes… see what the world is truly like.” And he leaned forward, licking his lips before closing them over his son’s.

D was too surprised to do anything for a few seconds. The feel of the other man’s lips against his own was so foreign and unexpected that he froze, his arms rigidly holding onto the tray. The teacups rattled against each other, and the animals around them began to whisper and hiss in distress.

Suddenly, Papa D stepped back, his smile satisfied. D stared at the long-haired man in confusion and something akin to panic. Then he felt anger pouring through him, threatening to burn his chest. His eyes narrowed in anger. “What do you think you’re doing? Grandfather told me I should be wary of you, but I never imagined someone of us could do… would ever do something like that!”

His father seemed hazy at best now, shadowed by the incense clouds that were blown in their direction by the movements the animals were making. They seemed intent on protecting their young keeper, but stopped just before touching the older man. All D could make out was the deep purple smirk increasing as he ushered the animals away with a tilt from his head.

“Son, don’t get so upset by something so basic and ridiculous as the human way of sharing affection. Really, father can’t teach you quite how to keep your calm, even after this long. Look at you, you’ve practically grown up in the blink of an eye… yet your behaviour is dangerous.”

D felt his hands shake at the ridiculous accusations, yet forced himself to keep his calm. After all, if he were to throw a fit he’d just play right into the hands of his father. “Why are you here, father?” he asked instead, relaxing his glare into a frown.

His father tutted, shaking his head as he walked closer, his form slowly taking shape again from the mist of incense washing around him. “I wanted to teach my ungrateful son something.” Again, the hand buried itself into D’s hair, this time pulling the other’s face closer to his own.

This time, D was prepared when the smirk descended on his lips, and pushed his father away. “Please… do not come closer.” D said with as much calm as he could muster. What in the world was father thinking? Clearly he was even more insane than grandfather had described him.

“Don’t tell me it doesn’t feel good.” The way he talked, it was like he was smug, D thought. And he probably was, as he kept smiling as he guided D towards his bedroom, obviously knowing the impossible floor plan by heart. As soon as they reached the enclosed space, away from the animals and other curious eyes, the long-haired man caught his son by his wrist and pushed him on the bed.

“P-Please, no…” D shuddered, only this time not merely out of disgust. The other looked absolutely predatory. He tightened his fingers around the other’s shoulders, not knowing whether to pull him closer or push him away. Papa D seemed satisfied with this response, or lack thereof, and licked his son’s lips, meshing his purple lips on D’s blood red ones. He sneaked his hand over the frogs of D’s cheongsam, his nails easily removing the clothing to unveil the pale skin underneath, the skin he too possessed.

“It’s fine… just accept me, just this once.” The longer-haired man whispered, bending his head lower to kiss D’s heaving chest. Still, his fingers wandered lower, until the cheongsam fell of D’s shoulder and pooled around his hips. Papa D observed the effect human stimuli had on his son, and felt somewhat amused. Yet, still it scared him more, for it meant that he too could possibly be swayed by beings as lowly as humans.

D simply whimpered in response, feeling very cold and exposed and ridiculous all of the sudden. However, his father didn’t give him a chance to gather his wits. D felt a sharp nail dipping dangerously over his torso down his lower abdomen, stopping just before reaching further.

He grinned as he looked down at his son, cheeks flushed and more affected than he’d probably ever been, judging from his son’s reactions. “Turn around,” he ordered. D complied only after he moved his sharp fingernails down to brush over D’s member. With a shiver, the younger man turned and sat on his hands and knees, feeling as if he was thrown in the deep. Where was his grandfather? Why weren’t the animals stopping this? Was this really such an important lesson?

He looked over his shoulder to see the other man, but he had already sat down besides him on the bed. “Now don’t move.”

With one hand, Papa D pinned down D’s wrists against the bed while the other was prying for something underneath his cheongsam which was still hanging half-around his hips. His father didn’t bother removing the garment, but D distinctly felt something hard, thin and sharp stroking along his entrance.

“Do you want this?” D flinched at the sudden proximity of his father’s mouth against his ear, and felt the hot breath warm his skin, making him flush even deeper.

“O-Of course not! Father, don’t be absurd!”

His father moved his lips over his cheeks, which were already burning with shame and humility, and he forced himself to keep still, to keep his calm… Surely father would prove his point soon, and then he would disappear.

“But this is what humans want… didn’t you know? And yet, you daydream about these creatures, thinking that possibly, just possibly, they might not be all bad…” D felt the pressure ease from his wrists when Papa D moved to caress his face, stroking his son’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Such foolish hopes… I suppose grandfather finds it endearing.” D felt something oddly familiar, strong and malleable all the same, curl slowly over his wrists, securing him tightly to the headboard. He didn’t even have to look up to know that they were vines. After he tried to remove them and failed, it became apparent that his father wasn’t going to let him budge, so he stopped struggling. He knew a lost cause when he saw one, and damaging his skin needlessly seemed asinine.

“Grandfather doesn’t create my beliefs- I do,” he hissed through his teeth. When Papa D stopped circling his entrance, he whimpered in loss despite himself. D quickly pursed his lips, but the telltale smirk of his father told him that he’d heard as well.

Suddenly, the nail was inside of him, the sharp edges cutting into walls of sensitive skin he’d never experienced like this before. It didn’t do enough damage to cut, but it stung him all the same. To D’s mortification, he felt himself tremble slightly.

“You are aware that for a human, this would hurt more, correct?” Slowly, he pushed his finger inside until he felt the tip of his nail reach a soft place inside of his son. He scraped over it, teasing D into another fit of trembles, now accompanied by moans.

“N-no, please… I understand, father. S-stop it, now.” D’s hands were balled into fists now, and his body - to his mortification - automatically raised his hips for more contact. All he could feel was the pain, but his body seemed to want it. His breathing came in shallow gasps now as his body experienced sensations he’d never felt before.

His father’s grin turned wry, and when he spoke, it sounded surprisingly bitter. “You want... You keep wanting, yet you don’t know what it is you desire. Such foolishness… You should stop daydreaming. Accept what everyone of us already knows, and stop placing your faith with beings that don’t deserve it.” He sighed, and tutted again. “I don’t know how you can be my son.”

D didn’t know what to say to that, so instead he bit his lip to stop himself from making anymore embarrassing noises in front of this highly unstable Kami who happened to be his father. He kept quiet even after a second finger was added, even if the third elicited a muffled squeal out of him.

D felt unnerved as his father watched him make these sounds, move his hips and lift his ass in such a way no person should ever see him, least of all him. Yet he couldn’t stop sighing in pleasure, the strange feelings not entirely without pleasure. The shame and anger he felt under the ministrations of his father kept running through his mind over and over again, punctuated by every painful-yet-pleasurable thrust his father made.

So deeply drowned into confused, angry thoughts at his father or himself - he didn’t know anymore with his father so close near him and the incense drowning his thoughts and blurring his vision, that he was surprised when suddenly he ejaculated. D moaned low in his throat at the sudden flood of purely physical sensations, burying his nails in the inside of his hands out of shame and pleasure alike.

“Still so conflicted, aren’t you?” His father whispered as D shook and trembled in his body’s aftershocks, which repulsed both father and son.

When Papa D released - or more likely, forgot - the binds which held D captive, D wrenched his wrists free. He got up quickly, buttoning up his cheongsam with nimble, if somewhat shaky fingers. “That was… unpleasant, father.” In more ways than one. He still felt the vague pinch deep inside of him.

“I understand if it was a hard lesson to learn, my son… but you must understand human’s folly if you truly wish to punish them.” The older D went back to the sofa, taking his teacup as he sipped some Darjeeling tea.

“…Yes, father.” D didn’t have the energy to fight with the man over this. He had always heard the same thing; he was too compassionate, too kind, too empathic to be a good Kami.

The elder Kami snickered. “You truly wanted this… wanted to understand the humans better. And a part of you enjoyed it. It is amusing… but also frightening.” He frowned in distaste.
“Can you really say you understand humans now, if they enjoy such base feelings not even many animals will enjoy?”

The youngest Count shook his head, unwilling to hear the sick truth and the brutal lesson. His father’s ways were truly appalling, but D had never allowed himself to see the truth his grandfather spoke… but now he did. And yet, there was a truth to it…

“Please leave.” And don’t come back.

The older Kami nodded, although the smirk never left his face. He calmly placed the teacup down on the saucer before turning around and walking calmly to the door. The figure quickly faded through the fumes of incense in the room, before vanishing completely. D swore he could still hear the sadistic chuckle in his ears as the door closed.

None of the customers D helped afterwards proved his father wrong.


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