Title: Two different ways of falling in love {Epilogue}
Genre: romance, smut, crack?
Pairing: Akame, slight Jinda?
Rating: PG to NC-17
Summary: Kame's a beggar, Jin is a bakanishi normal person. XD
Title: Two different ways of falling in love ch4
Genre: romance, smut, crack?
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG to NC-17
Summary: Kame's a beggar, Jin is a bakanishi normal person. XD (I don't even know how to write a decent summary for this fic)
Title: Two different ways of falling in love ch3
Genre: romance, crack?
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG (don't know about later)
Summary: Kame's a beggar, Jin is a bakanishi normal person. XD (I don't even know how to write a decent summary for this fic)