Oh God!!!!!

Dec 22, 2004 18:46

Memories, that’s what they say life's made of. I beg to differ.

”You should go there, you should see that, it will enrich you and you will regret it if you don't go.” What a load of crap. What I way to pinhole me. What a con.

If ever there was a time in a girl’s life when she needed a break that time would be now. The waves of time washes away all color from my picture. The storms of thought have left too many trailer parks of ideas in ruins. Even the wings of the hummingbird can’t keep up with the winds of fate and that which is destined. What does it all mean? Who knows? Who cares? It’s just lj. It’s just too bad. It’s just too damn quiet for there to be talking and someday it will be just too damn loud for me to breathe.

PS Sorry guys, it's just one of those days :'(.
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