another project set aside

Jul 09, 2004 15:39

im going to be famous one day. jsu like jeff buckley. i have the song writing ability. im sitll goign to wokr my ass off, mabye even harder now to be a really good player.
i quit my recording project. to many distractions. not enough money.

ive been playing music loud all day, singing along, playing the insturments.i want to do this for the rest of my life. go crazy on stage for the people.
dam. this is tough. but im going to be great.

im oging to trecord next summer. and ill be way better. mabye some classical. if i ahve a band. itll be hardcore indie rock.

i got this killers cd. it rocks. already tabs out most of the songs. so ive been jamimng along with it.
its all for the image anyway. when im a rock star. then i can smoke without anyone bithcing. ahahaha. it doesnt matter anyway. im to nihilistic latly. itll pass but im fine if it doesnt.
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