According to some guy over at Absolute Punk, this is the line up of Empires:
Max Steger formerly of Blacktop Mourning is the other guitarist and produced all the songs on his Mbox. Their drummer Ryan used to be in the band Chimera Twilight and their talented singer Sean hasn't really played in any notable acts. They sure are fuckin good though.
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WHO is their bassist? Is there even bass? I can't pick shit apart in songs for anything.
Anyway, I really am impressed with the production, 'cause they did it in on their own in some shitty production booth place somewhere that probably had beer stains on the couches.
Also, if Thomas Alfred Conrad can play the piano, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with myself.
They're very impressive. They sound awesome, and with an actual recording studio they'd probably produce an album that would outsell TAI. Cue laughter and drunken despair.
People should stop telling me he can, when it turns out it's Ryan doing it my girlish heart will be crushed.
I seriously think that they will, god willing that they get signed. I can't imagine they won't, their songs on Myspace have over 4000 plays in 3 days. I don't keep up with Myspace band playcounts but um, I think that's really impressive for a band that won't tell you whose in it.
Of course, you know that I am going to be forever convinced that he can actually play piano now. And then I'm going to want Jon and Tom doing it on a piano. Actually, that should happen anyway, Jon can play the piano.
God, what stupid boys. The download of "Midnight Land" is completely fucked up. It makes me laugh and pull my hair in frustration. The bit that's right has sound that's so much better than the other rips. Damn you Tom, damn you.
I heartily endorse these piano shenanigans.
It's times like this that I really wish I could write filthy hot porn. :(
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