Jul 28, 2010 15:49
Once upon a time,
I believe it was a sunday
when this all Began.
It Rains, in my bedroom
and everything is wrong.
I was there when you said
you'd always stay this way.
I thought i knew you for a
minute, but now i'm so
I stayed at the phone and you
still haven't texted, and i flash
back to 52810, when it started.
i was there when you said hey.
You didn't mean anything,
I'm sure of that.
You'll just never realize how much
You've changed, how when i think
of even picking up the phone to
text you, i'm terrified, i'm entirely
scared of what the conversation may
lead to. I'm scared you might not
reply. Im scared.
Im scared you're talking to her.
muscians get me.