Dream: visiting home and helping friends move

Mar 26, 2013 09:33

Danny and I were visiting the house at Poplar Bluff. Mom was still alive. The scale of the house was huge, with sprawling rooms like in a lodge. Pappy, my paternal grandfather who died in 1984, dropped in for a visit. He looked different: he was tall, and he had quite a lot of silver hair that stood out in wings, Bozo-like. He did not stay long.

We were all hanging out in different rooms. Mom was reading by the old picture window. I was worried that Danny would be bored and wondered whether he wanted to go for a walk on the beach. I couldn't find him, but we communicated psychically, and he said he had already found his own way down to the water.

Mom complained, "I wish I could get to know people better."

I asked, "Who do you want to get to know better? We used to spend lots of time together before you were sick."

In hindsight, this refers to a comment she once made (in real life) that she could not be bothered getting to know anyone new in my life because she already had three daughters-in-law. It was a poor excuse, and I was offended at the time. In fact, that was when we stopped spending much time together. Ten years later, shortly before she died, she told me she liked Danny, and I wondered whether she regretted not getting to know him.

Back to the dream: Danny and I made arrangements to help friends Holly and Allison move. They lived nearby, in Kingsville. We drove over with another friend, Alisa, but couldn't find the house. I had been there once before but forgot where it was and couldn't figure out how to contact them because they were both out doing errands. We were stopped on a street corner, which looked more like downtown Leamington, when a man and woman in a pickup stopped to help. The woman reminded me of Sandy, someone I had a crush on in university. They said they could lead us to Holly and Allison's because they were going to help, too.

We arrived at some narrow row houses. A bunch of police and emergency vehicles were gathered outside. A mischievous little girl had crawled through a locked grate into an enclosed stairwell below street level. Someone pulled her out by the feet. She had long silvery-blonde curls and wore a dress that made her look like Alice in Wonderland. She looked about 10 years old, but in my dream I estimated she was four.

Holly appeared beside me. I turned to her and said, "That will be Audrey [Holly and Allison's daughter] in a couple of years." I was referring to her getting into trouble.

dream, friends

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