Apr 19, 2005 15:28
I need to buckle down and STUDY! Well, I've been attempting to but the internet has been SUPER SLOW.....It's like having dial up all over again! Needless to say, COX is pissing me off! They better fix the cable/internet soon!
Certain people may not like what I'm about to write....but it's the truth and the only reason why I have this Journal is to vent off my anger, so here it goes.
Ok, in 1994 nearly 1,000,000 people were slaughtered in Rwanda while the west turned a blinde eye. I had heard very little about what went on in Rwanda until I took geography last semester and learned a lot about it. It disgusted me how the government here and in Europe did nothing about it, it disgusted me more how the UN packed up and left Rwanda leaving behind thousands of people to die a horrible death. Most of these people were not shot to death, they were killed with machetes.
When the UN soldiers were taken out of Rwanda they were so outraged they cut up their UN hats. The rivers of Rwanda flowed with dead bodies and blood while Americans mourned the death of Kurt Cobain. Footage of what went on in Rwanda did not make it on TV, even if it did.....No one did anything to stop it.
Well, now History is repeating itself. In Sudan nearly 500,000 have already been killed. Everyday more and more are killed while again the west does nothing about it. The only news about Sudan that I've heard of, were on MTV news, not CNN or any of the major media channels. It's disgusting how Britney Spears being pregant is spread like wild fire while the deaths of thousands goes unnoticed!
If you want to do something else besides sitting on your ass and watching news about celebreties.... Please, write a letter to your governor and the president asking for intervention in Sudan. Also get your families and friends to do so as well. What happened in Rwanda cannot be changed, but we can stop history from repeating itself in Sudan!
Educate yourself about what happened in Rwanda and what is happening in Sudan right now! If you go to UF, go to the Reitz and watch "Hotel Rwanda" Wednesday (4/20) at 8:00 and 10:30 PM and Thurday (4/21) at 8:00 and 10:30PM . If you have HBO, a movie about what happened is playing this month is called "Sometime in April."