Mar 18, 2008 18:10
I was wondering what the pundits would do after Obama's speech. In which he addresses race and also the media's insistence on dividing us along racial lines, which of course allows the real issues to be taken off the table. Would they have an honest discussion? Would they address and analyze the context of the speech? Or would they go straight back to the same old same old horse race bullshit?
Well, they failed. Horribly. Again. Immeadiately going to " will white working class men" like it? Joe Scarborough talking about delegates, and also showing that he is deeply cynical. Scarborough was the worst saying " yes it was historic and amazing but working class white guys will just hear complaints." Apparently Scarborough feels that working class white people aren't smart enough to get it. The new show on MSNBC was horrible and all " Will the polls go up or down?"
Same. Same. Same.
CNN said "decide for yourself" played the video, but then manipulated the imagery by showing the speech juxtaposed with images of Wright's fiery face and black churches. Grrrrrr.
Honestly I am getting more and more frustrated with the mainstream media. I'm about to go all blog, all the time.