Nov 28, 2005 22:40
20 years ago I was: One and probably sleeping... a lot
15 years ago I was: 6 and had been living in Agawam for a year. I was in first grade at Granger Elementary School. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, G.I. Joes and Ghostbusters oh my!
5 years ago I was: 16 and a junior in High School. I was pretty convinced that I would be going to Syracuse University for Journalism. I got a job at McDonalds, :( The Last time Agawam lost to West Springfield on Thanksgiving
1 year ago I was: 20 and really for the first time in my life genuinly happy in nearly every aspect of my life.
Yesterday: The Sunday after Thanksgiving. We had the End of the season Football banquet where good times were had by all with the exception of a few renegade parents who apparently thought every single player should have been individually talked about and praised. Both the Patriots and Redskins lost their games and Steve Maruicchi coached his last game with the Lions
5 snacks I enjoy: Peanut Butter Jelly Time, The Dip, Cheese Products, Cereal, these awesome Special K bars
5 songs I know all the words to all of the words? Dream On by Aerosmith, I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, Light my Fire by the Doors, Bohemium Rhapsody by Queen
5 things I would do with a million dollars: Patriot Season Tickets, 2005 Chrysler Seabring Convertable, and a house, the house would be pretty good, probably one like my mom's in a town like Agawam, then whatever is left I'd help out a few individuals who I know could use it
5 places I would run away to: Italy, England(also Scotland), France, Holland, and Florida
5 things I would never wear: Bret Favre jersey, skirts, those big winterish looking boots that girls wear with skirts, nipple rings, and whipped cream bakini
5 favorite TV programs: Simpsons, Family Guy, NFL Live, Patriots Football games, X-Men(yeah Toon Disney Channel)
5 bad habits: Double Booking, Studdering, Staying up late when I should go to bed early, Eating unhealthily
5 biggest joys: My family, my friends.... nothing else really matters after that. Well FOOTBALL!
5 favorite toys: A Football! Madden, Civ. 4, I guess my dvds and thats all I really have that could be considered toys I guess.
5 fictional characters I would date: Princess Jasmine(oo yeah) Hmm, other than that Ella from Ella Enchanted since I'm on a Anne Hathway kick
5 People to tag to do this: Holly, Jess, Julie, Pat and anyone else who reads my journal