If Voting Could Really Change Things, It Would Be Illegal

Apr 21, 2008 06:55

They say that nail polish may tip off politics. Nail polish. Tip. Ha, nail humor.
I'd put a a link and a bit of the article, however the computer I'm writing this from, my multimedia class, won't allow me to look at it because it's a video article. Yes, that's right. In multimedia, I can't watch multimedia. How much of a fuckin' wank is THAT?
But here we go.
I think what they mean by this is that if you see a politician, and they are wearing a certain nail color then you may be tipped off what they really think. First off, if I saw Barrack Obama wearing nail polish, the only thing I'd be tipped off about is that he's fully for gay marriage. That's about it. And if McCain wore nail polish, well, that's just plain outright creepy. But he's like, 70. he's earned the right to wear nail polish and dresses. Once you reach 50, you can OFFICIALLY, by the moral code of society, act any way you want. That's why when you're 70 you can shit in your pants and go to bed anytime you want. There's no rules once you hit 50, and the rules just dissapear even faster once you get even OLDER. But McCain isn't the point. This article, appears to me, seems to only be attacking Clinton. Not Bill. Although that'd be awesome, and not all that surprising that he'd wear nail polish. But Hillary is the woman (so we're told). And BEING the woman, who, as we so far are told, is the only one who wears nail polish, it's clearly going after her. Is there honestly some way to tell what your politician thinks just by looking at her nail polish? Did she wear blue polish and it meant "faithful & forgiving" and Lewinsky wore pink and that meant "WHORE! WHORE! WHORE!"? Is THAT what they mean? And why just nail polish, what about OTHER things, like clothes? If Obama suddenly starts wearing a Cardinals baseball cap, should we assume he's a communist? Or shoes? McCain starts wearing large combat boots. Actually, that'd be pretty funny to see. Some 70 year old giving his presidential speech in combat boots. And let's dress him in a sundress and cowboy hat, with a mustache, just for the heck of the hilarity. See, it's funny because he's so old he can't do anything about it. So there ya have THAT.

The thing that scares me is that if people can start to know what people are thinking or believing because of nail polish, that could apply TO ANYBODY. Not just politicians. Terrorists, or even news broadcasters. Friggin' watch the news and see the weatherwoman giving a report, "And tomorrow we should expect light showers."
It'll be a never ending cycle of being able to find out what people truly stand for. For one, what type/color nail polish means you support abortion or stem cell research? Actually, I guess the stem cell one would be a bunch of different colors put on one another, but what about the abortion one? I think it would be green. Because of the money you get for your aborted fetus, to GO to stem cell research. Thankfully, apparently all the delegates involved support stem cell research. And if THAT works, you can apply it to OTHER shit in life, right? Be at work, "I'll have that report to you by tomorrow Mr. Johnson, I promise."
"You're wearing orange nail polish, that means you're going bar hopping, BAR HOPPING!"
Who eve thought a rainbow could be so deadly?

But it goes back to a main point in my arguement. The cool thing about this kind of article is that, because there are more than 1 person in the presidential race, the writer can't get yelled at for attacking Hillary. See, they're covered from all angles, because it's obviously about Hillary, being she's the only woman and therefore the only one to wear the crap, and they can't get in trouble for it. Brilliant idea. Let's take a look at something real quick, shall we?
I looked up under google image search for pics of Clinton. Ya know what I found? A woman who isn't wearing nail polish in ANY of them. So either she's beaten the system by not being caught wearing it in photos so people can make assumptions and conspiracy theories, or, SHE DOESN'T WEAR ANY FUCKING NAIL POLISH AND THIS ARTICLE WAS A PIECE OF CRAP!

Which one do you honestly believe seems more logical? Yeah, me too.

Look, all I'm saying is you could be chasing a mass murderer, but if you're a cop, don't assume just because someone murdered a buncha people and is wearing purple socks that the socks drove them to it. That's stupid. That's assuming the impossible and blowing something small WAAAAAAY outta proportion.

That's what the internet blogs are for.

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