
Apr 16, 2008 06:47

I never thought the world would come to this:
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - Gay couples had to struggle mightily to win the right to marry or form civil unions in certain states. Now, some are finding that breaking up is hard to do, too.
In Rhode Island, for example, the state's top court ruled in December that gays married in neighboring Massachusetts - the only state to allow the practice - cannot get divorced. "We all know people who have gone through divorces. At the end of that long and unhappy period, they have been able to breathe a sigh of relief," said Cassandra Ormiston of Rhode Island, who is splitting from her wife, Margaret Chambers. But "I do not see that on my horizon, that sigh of relief that it's over." Some Rhode Island lawmakers are pushing to legalize gay divorce. But Gov. Don Carcieri, a Republican who opposes gay marriage, is against the idea. So are church leaders in the heavily Roman Catholic state.

As you're all aware, I've always been a big supporter of gay rights, gay marriage, in fact anything gay is fine with me. Just because I'm heterosexual doesn't mean I don't agree with it. But this is hysterical, in fact, this was a real find, this may be one of the single most ironic news articles EVER fuckin' written. So let me get this straight, first they couldn't get married because it was a "holy union between a man and a woman" and now they can't get divorced? Why? Because that's such a holy union between hetero's too? I just don't get it, it doesn't fuckin' click with me. It's like, were there just some politicians just sittin' around goin', "Yes, we finally got them to get married, now let's KEEP THEM THAT WAY! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" And yes, you know for a FACT that politicians laugh that way when they're alone. I love this article. I really truly do. They didn't want them to marry, now they don't want them to seperate. Why? Well, it's mostly Republicans who are against the rights of homosexuals. Republicans like money. Married couples means more money to the state. More insurance, more taxes, anything that they can suck money out of, they can and will.

My idea of marriage is this. You all know that my romantic life has been nothing short of pitiful up until the past 4 months or so, which have been the happiest in my life, but before that, f'in' miserable man. So I'm still getting into the whole "romantic" thing. I've always been somewhat of a hopeless romantic, always have treated women with as much respect and admiration (if not MORE) as men, I am a bit of a feminist. Sure. I have always treated african americas, immigrants, homosexuals, anybody is equal in my book. Except men, and white people. I'm a white male. See the theory here? Alright. So let me finally put my marriage stance down on this. If gay people wanna get married, let them get married and be miserable like the rest of us, okay? NOBODY has a completely perfect happy marriage, I can guarantee you that every marriage, EVER MARRIAGE, has it's ups and downs, rocky roads. Mmm, ice cream. Sorry. Um, they have bumps, ya know? Nothing is perfect. But, why do two people get married? Because they love eachother. Or they're catholic and they get forced into doing it because they got the girl pregnant. Funny. Catholics have to marry the girl if she gets pregnant. Huh. Now, that means, that even if they don't like eachother, they have to get married. That's odd, because don't you have to like someone a little for it to be a "holy union"? Just sayin'. At least homosexual couples love eachother and don't just get married because one of them's pregnant, which is a lot harder to do in their situation. So catholics, who are being forced to marry out of sheer fucking their lives up and not being in love, are telling people who hold steady jobs and do good things for the community that THEY can't get married?

Doesn't it seem like somebody lost fucking ground here?

I'm just gonna say this. What, honestly, is the difference between a man and a woman? Because before we develop as an embryo, we don't really HAVE a sex, which means, we're all sexless, which makes us all the SAME, which makes us....GAY!!! So yes, their theory is correct, THEY ARE BORN GAY! And yet, even though we develop male/female organs and genitals eventually, we don't get to CHOOSE which organs or genitals we want, which is unfair. Because if they don't like the choice they're given, they end up being ridiculed for their lifestyle. Lifestyle. Another word pumped into our heads by the Republican party to make us not agree with the homosexuals. "It's a disgusting lifestyle!"
Lifestyle, from www.dictionary.com, is defined as this: the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.
Let's get one thing straight, GAY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THEIR OWN FUCKING ECONOMIC LEVEL, THEY ALL HAVE OUR FUCKED UP ONE! This word only refers to races, latino, african americans, THEIR habits and attitudes and the like! Gay people don't have different moral standards than us! Because they're not going around telling us that we can't do something!
"Oh, you can't wear rainbow, that's OUR look."
They don't push their ideas or beliefs on anyone. Unlike mormans or jahova's witnesses, they don't go around DOOR TO DOOR, TRYING TO "CONVERT" PEOPLE FOR THEIR "GROUP"! This is FUCKING RETARDED! This is so stupid, I can't even manage to put it into words. They said marriage was about love. That's why people get married! BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE! NOT because they got a girl pregnant or because they're heterosexuals! I'm what you would call, and I coined this term, a homostraightual. I'm straight, but I agree and enjoy their culture. I embrace it. Just not to the point of being anally reamed by another man. Not to that point. So if marriage is about love, why do so many people GET DIVORCED IN THE FIRST PLACE?! YOU MAKE A FUCKING VOW THAT YOU WILL TAKE THIS MAN OR WOMAN AS YOUR LAWFULLY WEDDED WIFE TO LOVE AND HOLD FOR ALL ETERNITY AND INTO THE AFTERLIFE EVEN! THAT MEANS THAT HOMOSEXUALS LOVE EACHOTHER, AND THEY WILL DO THE SAME! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!

Another catholic idea.
They say God has a problem with it, well I have a problem with God.
I guess what I'm saying is this, he doesn't have a problem with it, because if he did, he wouldn't have CHOSEN to make some of them gay in the FIRST FUCKING PLACE! That also means he's down with murder, rape and infant bashing, but hey. He's an ass. God. Ha, if there's a God, he sure calls in sick a lot.

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