First I have to say I'm sitting here watching last week's Bill Moyer's Journal on the congressional hearings on torture, and I cannot understand how the administration justifies torture ("enhanced interrogation techniques") and how so many republicans are willing to defend it. The moral repugnance is staggering to me. I just cannot fathom them.
Any who, cooking. I've been watching Alton Brown's "Good Eats" and looking to better learn how to cook so I can cook healthier. So the first thing I make from AB's show is macaroni and cheese, then tonight I decided to give his stove-top macaroni and cheese a whirl, and it kicks the shit out of Kraft's boxed stuff. One adjustment I'm thinking about is increasing the quantity of noodles my 50-100% because it is a little bit saucy. I need to clean and cure my new skillet, then I want to try searing steak, baking a potato and one of his peas recipes.
Thursday evening I'm heading to
Mr. Biggs to learn how to be an election judge. I'll be on standby for election day, something to do with touch-screens. I'll know more later.