Jun 26, 2007 14:18
Hey Hey Been a long time thought I'd update:
I'm working at DLG Results an Internet Marketing and Website Development Company as a content developer. It is kind of a boring job, but it's not too bad. I am learning a lot of neat little internet-y things and some website development. My boss is pretty cool even though he likes keeping up with the Jones a little more than I ever would. Like all of his clientele came from the Sole Proprietor if that gives an idea of his style. Speaking of, why does the Sole have valet parking? The whole parking lot is right there, it's just so they seem classier I guess, but I think it's lame.
Me and Kevin are good. He got a nice job doing landscaping in Southborough and is living with me at 70 Downing. We fight about petty shit sometimes, but it's only cause we hang out together all the time, it is better now that he is working so we aren't around each other 24/7. Our 1 year anniversary is coming up on 07/07/07. I don't know if I believe in signs or anything, but if I did I would say that's a good one.
I love seeing everyone around in Worcester, work makes it hard to see everyone all the time, but it is still better than the school year was.
I went to my cousin Justin's wedding on Saturday. He married this girl Somer whose parents are loaded; they spent 45,000 on their daughter's wedding. It was really beautiful, I am so happy for them.
Upcoming Events:
White Stripes Concert?
Garden Grove Festival?
Xavier Rudd concert?
Trip to Canada?
Trip to Vermont for 4th of July weekend and Kevin's uncle's wedding.