geohard was right, "Frameshift" by Robert Sawyer is pretty damn awesome. I finished reading it this afternoon, after mle292 and I walked to and from the library.
Non-spoiler review of Torchwood Season 2, Episode 10.
Teh Suxxor.
mle292 informs me that the last 3 episodes (11,12,13) were written by the same person who wrote Episode 1, which I very much liked. I hope they make up for number 10.
Many thanks to mattmn who alerted us to the Sci-Fi music concert by the Minnesota Orchestra. It was a great time! The music was wonderful. George Takei has a fantastic speaking voice and provided introductions to much of the music. The Assistant director was conducting tonight and she is very passionate about the music. I do not think I have seen
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But I did test the anti-lock brakes of the rental 2008 Dodge Charger. They work very well. I was traveling East on 27/18 at a leisurely 70 mph and I saw the signs to watch for cross-traffic. I was watching for cross-traffic. I saw the fuel truck slowing down in front of me and turned off the cruise control and braked lightly. Then I realized
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The cloudy sky, the cool air flowing through the house, and me curled up in a chair. I finished HP7:DH. I read the last 200 or so pages of it today. Quick read when you get more than 15 minutes at a time on the bus.
It was a decent book. Not extraordinary, but enjoyable. That reminds me, I should see HP:OotP sometime...