So, how about that Facebook?
I'd received quite a few invites for it in the past little while, but as I'm still in the midst of cleaning and sorting my online content (and making sure there is some actual, you know, content, I was initially paying little heed. But one of our local FREDgoers, Tila, wore down my resistance, and
gypsydemon pointed out its potential utility towards advertising our efforts, as well as reconnecting with sundered folk from all the walks of my life. And I've had a lot of walks in my time.
So, on Friday morning, I registered, having taken the previous weeks to read over their Terms of Service and other policies. As soon as I joined, there were two friends waiting for me -- my prior invites, I surmise. 10 more joined over the course of that day. 11 more over the weekend. To be fair, I've also sent out a few pings and pokes as I check out the lists and features, and I did let Facebook use my Yahoo! mailing lists to check up on folks already on the service -- but even so, that's some fast (re)connecting.
So if you read this but haven't seen me yet on Facebook, look around. I suspect I will be encouraging people on Facebook to check out my LJ as well. Synergy, of a sort. Also, don't worry if I haven't made an overture to you on Facebook and you know me offline or on LJ -- I have been foraying very cautiously. This thing could easily eat a lot of time, from what I gather.
Already, I wonder what some might surmise from a look at my connections list as it currently stands. Well, so long as I avoid "Geek Social Fallacy #3", I should be all right.