"When the Blood Moon rises over the Eastern Mountains, then shall memory live again...."

Aug 10, 2005 14:42

(Quote courtesy of gypsydemon, when I asked for a vision. I think it works nicely, for something....)

Hey all. Sorry to those of you who read this on anything like a regular basis that I haven't posted in a while. There has actually been interesting things going on, but I just haven't quite got this time management thing down yet that I can actually set it down close to when it happens. Oh well, on with the Ryan Report.

Pride. Been there before, lots of fun last time. Thanks to Joe, this year I actually caught some of the parade proper, and managed to meet up with at least some of the folks I know -- no small feat given the sheer size of the venue. Snapped a "splodefromcute" photo of savannahcat (which I have yet to receive the .jpeg of, by the way...) as she tended the choir booth, and spent a fair bit of happy time up in a tree, chatting with local fuzzie-types. Had lots of sunscreen,water, and Axe just in case I needed refreshing (hot day in black, after all....). Upon which I met a fellow vamp, pipkin, who does indeed like the scent of Axe. I mean, really likes the scent, more than even in a commercial. We had to pry the canister away from her, before... well, hilarity ensued, okay? So, of course, I had to add her to my list of People to Watch. Hello!

Also got to see Purple for the first time in a really long while. We reminisced a bit about vanished mutual friends (I've not spoken much about Kat Elo here, but I do believe, some nights, that her appearing and vanishing in my life was perhaps some power sending a teacher or a guide to help me learn some remedial relationship lessons,among other things.) The One of Crow seems to be getting back into the swing of some things, and his life is never dull. I may not be able to help him out much at this time, but it's nice to catch up on events.

I got to meet and catch up with a lot of people that day and night. There's so much going on in this city, I have to get moving to partake in the flow.

To that end (and also because it turns out we *are* holding a big party here once again, and we aren't nearly ready) Joe and myself have been redoubling our cleaning-and-sorting efforts, particularly for the kitchen and dining areas. We will get this apartment looking good! Fortunately for me, while I still have many shifts, they are at least compatible with spending some time on the cleaning tasks.

Before I go for more appointed tasks, one last request -- does anyone have a copy of "Firefly" they'd be willing to loan out to our place? I'd like to organize a group showing of "Serenity" and it occurs to me that many of us would benefit from knowing what we're getting into first.... Don't mind renting, but as this would be an over-the-month-of-September thing, I'd like to guarantee availablity.

friends, memory

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