Title: Cat Pile
Fandom: Anita Blake/Sanctuary/Abhorsen Trilogy
Rating: PG
Prompt: "It was too deliciously spicy to resist." (Bonus points if no food involved.)
Word Count: 221
It was so warm. Safe. But then cat piles normally were. And there were four big felines in this pile. Liz stretched, lazily, before cracking one pale green eye open. The only thing in her gaze was a tan ear, one that looked way too tempting for it's own good. She couldn't help herself from moving the short distance to nom playfully on it. A low sound very soon after gave her warning before she was batted lightly by the owner of the ear. She retreated, letting go of the ear and rolling a little so as not to have the ear in sight and be tempted again.
The problem, or fun, with piles though is that there's always someone new to face. Which is why it didn't take long for her gaze to settle on a white ear. Nor did it take long for her to give it the same playful attention. This time the sound from the attached feline was very much a, "Heeeeeeeey," before she was batted at. She relinquished the not'cat's ear, settling back into the pile a little more. There was something spicy about both Yrael's free magic taste and Nikola's electric taste that made them tasty and fun to nom on, she thought as her nose buried against Nathaniel and she closed her eyes again.