Title: Karaoke
Fandom: Anita Blake/Abhorsen Trilogy
Rating: G
Summary: Liz is forced into trying something new.
Word Count: 458
"Jason...no," her head shook as she tried to resist his tug on her arm. She scowled at the smirk that both he and the very pale man on the stage were giving her, blue and bright green eyes dancing with amusement.
He gave another forceful tug, succeeding in pulling her up from her chair. "It'll be fun, Liz." He got her to stumble a few steps towards the stage with another one of those tugs. Never enough to hurt, but always enough that with nothing to brace herself with, she can't help but be pulled closer.
Her arm twists, pulling free of Jason's grip, and she turns to try and hide. It fails miserably as arms wrap around her almost immediately, the vanilla scent letting her know her Pard mate is in on this too. "It's only one song," is purred next to her cheek. His scent, the purr helps the panic that had welled up in her to calm a little.
Between Jason and Nathaniel, Liz is suddenly in front of the stage. A tug from the man on stage coupled with a push to her back from the weres has her on stage. The scent of burnt ozone, so very familiar, envelopes her as she's lead over to the mike with a warm arm around her waist. Yrael offers his own purr that is felt more than heard and she knows that he's trying to sooth her nerves.
She loves being the center of attention most days. But that attention isn't usually on stage in front of strangers whiles she's told to sing. There's something so different when you get on stage. And damned if she's ever letting the boys find out anything about her they don't already know ever again. Not that she'd meant for them to find out she had a not star quality, but nice voice. It wasn't her fault something fun was playing on her stereo when they showed up early for bad movie night, catching her mid-song. She should have known something was up when Jason said they wanted to go to the club, he looked too eager. Karaoke night was not something she ever attended, ever wanted to attend. And yet here she was, on stage because they'd signed her up. And the bar had a strict policy on not backing down.
Yrael gave her a squeeze before he exited the stage and joined Jason and Nathaniel at their table, her body suddenly too cold where she'd had his warmth as a comfort. The music started and it took her a couple bars before nerves gave into amusement at the song they'd chosen for her. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad, not that she'd ever want to do it again.