One Fateful Night ~ NC17 ~ Angelus/William ~ Chapters 1 - 14

Feb 13, 2005 12:59

I just posted my story for the Loving Angel Valentines' Day Ficathon. It turned out much longer than I thought. Below are the story details, followed by the link that will take you to all 14 chapters that are in my Memories. I hope you like the story.

Title: One Fateful Night
Author: angelspike69
Pairing: Angelus/William
Rating: NC17
Summary: Angelus sees William at a party. He plans at first to disarm him with poetry and flowers, but the vampire discovers that the young poet has become much more than prey. He has become his obsession.
Spoilers: None. This takes place pre-series.
Disclaimers: In now way do I own any of the characters in this story, Joss does. I just like taking them out to place with each other.
Warnings: This fic contains m/m slash. If that bothers you, then I suggest you don’t read.
Author Note #1: This story was written for the Loving Angel Valentines’ Day Ficathon for ZinnyDark. Zinny, I hope I gave you what you wanted. She requested the following: Pairing Requested - Angelus/William; Personas Requested - Angelus a vamp, William a human... for the beginning, at least; Story Timeline - Past, and as within-cannon as possible, for what I want; Three things you would like in your fic - William being turned, Angelus as the seducer, roses; Two things you would prefer not to see - non-con, heavy BDSM; Tone - Darkly Romantic, if that makes any sense; Rating Preference - NC-17, but whatever works
Author Note #2: This is the first time I’ve attempted to write Angelus. I know he was an evil, sadistic killer, but I wanted to show a different side to him, while trying not to change the character. There was more to him than that. I tried to stay within canon as much as I could, but tweaked it to suit my purposes, in particular certain scenes from The Prodigal and Fool for Love. For me, Angelus sired William, not Dru.
Author Note #3: I have to send a huge shout out to my beta Lori, whose help was essential to me completing this fic. Besides editing the sections I sent to her and filling in some parts that were lacking, her research was what a made all the difference. I’d also thank Jenn, Foxhunt2blue, Pet, belleimani, and JinxWatcher for their praise and encouragement.

One Fateful Night
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