Revenge - A/S/W - NC-17 - (10/?)

Feb 12, 2005 23:39

Title: Revenge is Best Served with a Side of Witch
Author: claudia6913
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: W/S/A
Summary: Willow, Spike, and Angel need a little revenge on some people. Set right after ‘Pangs’ but basically it’s AU. I needed a mindless smut fic. This is the result.
Disclaimer: I own nothing…though I will take Spike off Joss’ hands after Angel’s done *eg*
Distribution: If I post it it’s yours, otherwise just ask.
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for ‘Why We Fight’ Season 5 of A:tS.
Author’s Notes: This is for Becky. Cheer up chica!
Feedback: Yes please.

Previous chapters here.

Chapter 10

Spike cursed himself as he paced Willow's room, smoking. He shouldn't have let her go. He knew better. They always went to Angel with the brooding, the hair gel, and the quiet, yet pained soul. What did Spike have to offer? Blood, sex, violence...might as well be nothing. Willow was pure, innocent. While sex, maybe, would hold her for a while, the blood and violence would drive her away.

Pushing her away wasn’t his goal. He wanted her. Just that one taste wasn’t enough. Spike wanted Willow to be his. He had taken the first step with her, being patient, giving her the chance to say no if she didn’t want to be with him; but she hadn’t said no, and he’d marked her with his scent. When he got his chip out, he would claim her, make her his so no other creature could touch her.

His plan was flawed, and he knew it, but everything could be worked around. Angel was his biggest hurdle. He'd have to convince Angel to leave, head back to L.A. once Spike got his chip removed. Not just to leave, but not to check up on Willow. Either that, or Spike would have to leave with her as soon as Angel’s back was turned. They could leave the country.

Spike's timing would have to be perfect. It was unlikely that Angel would just up and leave Willow alone with Spike, especially if he wasn't chipped anymore. Angel would see him as a threat, something dangerous. However, Angel would slip up, he always did. So Spike would have to wait. He could wait...for Willow, he could wait.


Pulling back slowly from Willow, Angel broke the kiss and looked at her. He eyes were closed, her mouth parted and full, red and wet. She was stunning. He watched her eyes flutter open. He tried to step back, but Willow held on.

"Please don't walk away Angel," Willow said softly.

"I can't. You know I can't," Angel said, referring to his soul. His entire being screamed at him to take her, give her what she so obviously wanted, but he couldn't. Just by looking at Willow, tasting her lips on his, he knew she could make him happy, truly happy, and that would be a disaster.

"Why? Is it Buffy?” Willow asked, now the one pulling away.

"No, Willow," Angel said, tilting her head up to him. Tears shined in her eyes. "It's not Buffy. I - I love her still, and probably always will, but you know why we can't."

“It could be just that once. Like a one time deal,” Willow said, hope evident in her voice. She knew better, somewhere in the back of her mind she knew the intricate details of the curse, had seen everything Jenny Calendar had gathered and translated. One moment of happiness, that was all it took, and then the world would spiral out of control and Angelus would be loose.

“You know better then that,” Angel said softly. His hand reached out, caressed her cheek, and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I know,” she said, leaning into his caresses. “What’s wrong with me Angel?” Willow looked up at him, tears still shining in her eyes, pleading silently for answers she didn’t have.

“What do you mean?” Angel asked, confused. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Willow, nothing at all. You’re perfect.”

"I-I can’t do this Angel. I need...," Willow said, pulling away from Angel. She turned and ran upstairs and into the bathroom. She leaned against the closed door, sliding down to the floor and letting the tears come.

It was her fault, in a way, that she was unable to be with Angel. She had been the one to put the soul back in him, complete with curse and all the bells and whistles. Nevertheless, that didn’t keep it from hurting. It didn’t stop the slow burn in her gut. Just thinking about Angel made her want to go down there and throw herself into his arms, made her want him. She couldn’t be in the same room with him, she realized, without wanting him like that. What was worse…she brought it upon herself.

"Stop this now, Rosenberg," Willow said to herself. Self-loathing wouldn’t help the situation; it would just make it worse. Standing up, she went to the shower and turned it on, making sure the water was hot. What was wrong with her...going after Angel like that, and right after she'd had sex with Spike?

Spike. She'd had sex with Spike and here she was crying over Angel. There was something wrong with her, there just had to be. What was she going to do? Spike knew about her liking Angel, otherwise he wouldn't have told her to go after him; and Angel had caught her with Spike, literally, and yet he'd still kissed her. Maybe she wasn't the only one who was messed up. Maybe, she thought, trying to rationalize things, it was the Hellmouth. With the whole converging of evil forces. That had to be it. There was an evil force that was making her act like the vampire version of herself, all slutty and wanton.

Willow leaned her head back under the spray, closing her eyes, and let out a frustrated groan. Blaming unknown forces wouldn't work. She knew better then to think it was something that simple. No, she was stuck with complicated.

Turning around, Willow reached blindly for the shampoo.

"Thanks," Willow said when it was handed to her. Her eyes flew open.

"Spike!" she cried out, trying to cover herself up.

"Thought you could use a hand, Luv," Spike said, smirking. Even through the steam from the hot water, he could see her blush. All that blood rushing to the surface of her pale skin, just begging to be kissed and bitten.

"Thanks, but, uh, I'm fine," Willow said nervously. She felt like such a fool. She could sleep with Spike, let him do things she'd never felt before, but she couldn't take a shower with him? Sighing, Willow let her hands drop and poured the shampoo into her hands. Spike took the bottle from her and put some in his hands as well before placing the shampoo back on the hanger.

“Let me,” Spike said, taking the shampoo from her hands and working it into lather. Something had happened between her and Angel after he’d left, that much he could tell. He could smell the salt from her tears when he walked in after her. He wondered what it was, but now wasn’t the time to ask as he watched her eyes drift closed and her muscles relax. He’d find out what happened from Angel later, or maybe from her. He should get her to open up to him, get her to trust him. If he did, it would just make it that much easier when he took her away with him.

They finished the shower in silence and Spike didn’t try anything, for which Willow was grateful. She didn’t want that type of attention, though just the sight of Spike naked had her body tingling and betraying her feelings. She dressed in comfortable clothes and looked around her room. Her laptop was downstairs. She really didn’t want to see Angel at this point, but she needed her laptop to go over the plans they’d set out. She looked between Spike and the door. She didn’t want to go down by herself. Willow didn’t think she could face Angel, not after the way she had run from him.

“Spike,” Willow said, walking over to him. She played with the hem of her shirt, nervous and unsure of how Spike would react. “Could…would you come downstairs with me and help me go over the plans?”

“Sure, Luv,” Spike said. A flame of anger burned its way slowly through Spike at the thought of Angel possibly hurting his girl. Willow wasn’t his, he knew this, but she would be. There would be a day…soon…when he would claim her, make her his in every possible way. No one would hurt her; no one would touch her besides him.

Together they walked down the stairs. Willow tried hard not to look at Angel who was unpacking the little plastic bag he’d tossed together, but she just had to take a peek. He looked pensive. Not only had she caused herself grief, she’d hurt Angel as well. She could also feel Spike behind her and turned to give him a weak smile. Sitting down at her laptop, she booted it up and dove into her work. It would take her mind off everything and give her blessed peace for a few hours at least.


Angel’d tried to stay out of Willow’s way when he’d seen her start up her laptop, but after seeing her walk down those stairs with Spike, both of their hair wet; he couldn’t help walking over to her. Discreetly, he inhaled, pleased to not smell any recent ‘activities’ with Spike on her. However, she seemed to be avoiding him, not looking at him, or even talking to him. He’d maybe expected a bit of avoidance with the way she had taken off, but not talking to him? It hurt.

Sensing Angel was behind her, Willow tried hard to concentrate on the information she was reading about the Initiative. Most of it was vague and things they already knew, but if Angel thought she was busy, maybe he would leave her alone. She could only hope.

Spike was sitting next to her, drawing what he could remember and writing down everything he had seen when he'd been in the Initiative’s tender care. He noticed Willow tensing every time Angel walked by and he wondered at that. The last he'd seen of them, they'd been close...much closer then he had liked, but they hadn't been fighting, or not that he knew.

"When will we be ready?" Angel asked, coming up from behind Willow. She was startled by the sound of his voice and jumped in her chair. Spike's hand moved to hold hers and he glared up at Angel.

Getting herself under control, Willow took a deep breath and looked up at Angel saying, "Just a few more days."

"We should do some reconnaissance," he said, taking a seat on the other side of Willow, opposite of Spike. Angel hadn't missed Spike's subtle movement. He still didn't understand what was going on.

"That might help. They could have moved their entrance, or closed it off since Spike escaped," Willow said, turning back to Spike's drawings and the map she had of Sunnydale.

"Spike and I will go out tonight," Angel said, surprising both Spike and Willow. Spike simply nodded.

"Well, alright," Willow said, not sure of how to take it. There seemed to be an undercurrent between Spike and Angel she couldn't place. However, their going out would allow her some time alone to deal with her emotions.

"There's still a while until sundown," Angel said, standing up. "Spike and I should get some sleep." He walked away from the table and turned when he didn’t hear Spike following him.

“What?” Spike asked, annoyed. He didn’t appreciate Angel trying to tell him what to do. He was not some fledgling whelp meant to be talked to as if he knew no better.

“We’ve invaded Willow’s life enough for one week. Why don’t we give her some time by herself,” Angel said. It was logical, no matter what Angel’s ulterior motives were, and he was hoping Willow would take him up on it. He didn’t like the way Spike was all over her, practically glued to her side at every moment since they came downstairs together.

“No, Angel, it’s alright. He can stay if he wants,” Willow said, looking at a point beyond Angel. If he didn’t want to be near her, he didn’t have to be, but that didn’t give him the right to drag Spike along with him. She was actually getting used to the vampire and enjoyed his silent company.

“Fine,” Angel said, and walked out.
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