Man, it's awesome actually having a place!

May 27, 2009 03:38

Ash and I have been living in our new place for nearly a week now. It has truly been an interesting experience, full of drama, issues and fun. But I'm glad to say it's finally beginning to feel like a home, instead of "The House".

We got the new couches today. A 2- and 3-seater in black leather. And man, are they squishy! God, I just love sitting on them! And it means people who come over actually have a place to sit and be comfortable, instead of sitting on the floor or squashing together on the little red couch we borrowed from my parents.

We had hella drama with the couches. At first, it took us forever to find a couch we both agreed on. When we finally located one, we discovered it wouldn't fit through our doors. We took measurements after measurements to try and find a way to get both couches in. In a desperate attempt, we took the sliding back door off to measure that space.

And spent the next three hours attempting everything humanly possible to get the door back on properly. We eventually caved and called my Mum, who came round and fixed it within 15 minutes. -__- We then also discovered the couches would fit through the windows. *facepalm*

That very same night the shower door broke, thus resulting in us now requiring to fix it. It's still functioning, and we have the parts, just need to find the time to fix it.

We still don't have a fridge, but that's arriving in about a weeks time. Which will be awesome as it means we can actually go out and buy perishables. :P No more consisting off soup! :D

This past week has made me think about moving out, and how I've had many different plans over the years. In Primary School, I was going to move into a house with my 3 best friends - Cj, Helen and Jessie. In High School, I was going to move in with various friends, in various combinations, at various times. I always wanted a huge house where ALL my friends could move in with me, and it would be the best thing ever.

Obviously, I realise now that my ideas probably wouldn't have worked all that well - we would all have eventually killed each other [I would win, 'cause it would have been my house :P] in a fit of irritation, and things happen with friends, and my friends have their own lives that wouldn't have meshed with my ideas - but it was my dream, it was what I wanted to do and share with the friends who wanted to join me.

And now - I think I have the perfect combination. Ash has been the only boyfriend/girlfriend I've ever had who I seriously considered moving in with, and now that it's happened .. I think it was the best possible choice I could have made. I miss the plans I made, the houses that might have happened, but I wouldn't trade my house with Ash for them. :)

All my friends are most welcome to come visit once we've settled in fully. God, we both have so much shit to sort through. :P If you read this, consider it your formal invitation to organise a time to come visit. Though I don't know when that will be - I'm cleaning as fast as I can!

Love love!
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