pondering & work

Nov 27, 2007 06:48

I wonder why people who never watch a sport for the entire season get soooo worked up over the outcome? The bomber game yesterday & the reactions I saw to it reminded me of a person who once insulted my favorite sport (hockey). They told me that it shouldn't be played anymore cause it was too violent, but then once they heard other people liked it suddenly their song changed to one of "I love hockey and always have, it is the greatest" within a matter of weeks. That really annoyed me, the bomber stuff less because it is nice to see some hometown pride even if the team didn't win.

Time for another train of thought that has been haunting me for a while now. I have never really known what I want, I've had rough sketches, general ideas, notions and more but rarely anything that I could flat out say "I want this, now I will work to get it." Lately I've got that happening, I know exactly the one thing that I truely want and while the clairity is nice, what I want is something I can never have.

So what the frick am I supposed to do now?

Hence my recent frustrations.

Work has been going well, the store is disgustingly dirty, every night we spend an hour sweeping the place and it still looks like crap. No one notices the work we do anyways, I was in during the day doing some shopping and heard some co-workers giving credit for something we'd done on nightshift to someone on the day. It happens a lot, just the other night our ASO commented to my friend "So&so fixed up area X, doesn't it looks amazing?" While it is nice to hear that they noticed it had been worked on, it would've been nicer if they'd noticed it was my friend who had spent 4 hours doing it, not the guy who got the credit.

The only thing we get "credit" for is something that we don't do. There are some employees who like to open boxes in the back room and throw the product on top of the pile. The people working nights with me don't like that, it is annoying for us to try and haul out boxes when we have to unbury them first. Our former overnight supervisor got into HUGE fights with the ASO over it, those fights were part of the reason she quit. Apparently while I was gone out east the person she fought with tried to get my co-workers to admit to being the ones throwing clothes on the pile.. ya.. what?? Did he think that because our supervisor was gone none of us would remember their fights and what they were about? I wish I had been around to hear it this time.

I had a zoo shift last week and got a call yesterday but I missed it. It is pretty cold out so I'm hoping that if they do call me in they can give me an idea of where I'll be working, I'd hate to bundle up and then arrive there to end up in the tropics.. that would make me sad.. I should probably head to sleep now, get at least an hour before they call (if they are calling). One girl above me is on vacation and one of the permanant staff transfered out so my chances of call-in have increased when they were supposed to be slowing down.

Boo on that, I was looking forward to some regular work weeks.

kristen is crazy

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