Step 1: Put your iTunes or equivalent on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play IN A BLOG ENTRY, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Bold out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Addendum: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
1. I bleached my hair just like Vince Neil
2. The other day you said you loved me
3. Don't call me a zero, I'm gonna be a hero
4. One time in your life you've got the route in hand but the map is stuck
5. So this is odd
6. He's out on the town & he's wearing black leather pants and a button down
7. Here the lights fall just as hard a bit softer in the stall
8. There's no joy without the pain
9. They say coffee makes me nervous
10. They put you down and call you crazy
11. Almost a full moon
12. There's a war inside of me
13. Oh these feet carry me far. Oh my body. Oh so tired.
14. We took a walk that night, but it wasn't the same
15. Oh No, oh no, you've done it again my friend
Ok that is it, my thing keeps showing the same artists over and over again so I quit here :P