Oct 27, 2003 02:07
Hey peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well im all excited cos i got loadsa cool new stuff while ive been here and my mummy hasnt stopped buying me cool clothes!!! She so cool! luv 00 mummy! and i most definately cant wait to get back to pompey! Im sat here typing this smiling so much it hurts!!! Tonight is my last shift on this stink fuckin' job!!! The moment 7am comes here im gonna be jumping up and down so hard ill probably hit me head on the ceiling which wont be good cos then id get concusion if not pass out and make myself really fucking bad so hopefully i wont be jumping as hard as that (now that ive thought of the consequences n e way!) Well i hope everyones coming out for haloween!!!! I cant wait to get back to that thing called civilization!!! What is that come to think about it? Does n e 1 really know? Or...... are we all under some weird men in black style influenced mind block/memory eraser???? (i think mes had waaaaaaaay too many caffiene pills!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):))
NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!
All life forms have dissappeared!!!!!!! Arrrrrrgh???????
Ooops no wait thats just the Grande Prairie Inn on a sunday night shift! hehehe mee need sleep badly but im too excited as well to sleep. I am soo getting fubar when i get back! (sings to herself!) yesssssssssh!
Well im gonna let you guys go cos ur probbly all making me jealous by falling asleep whilst reading this mind-numbing, brain-draining, head-fucking piece of useless shitty information anyway! YOU LUCKY BASTARDS YOU GET TO SLEEP!!!!!!!!!