Well the job has been going really well. It can be a bit awkward working with women who are as old or older then my mother though. I said that Mike was such a douche during one converstaion and I thought things were going to come flying out of mouths. Heh. Oh well, generation gaps I guess.
Alex has another ear infection. This will be his fourth one. I suppose that's not too bad but sheesh...poor kid.He's sooo cranky and I can't say I blame him it's just frustrating becuase there isn't much I an do and he just feels so ucky.
I'll have to be sure to post pictures of Halloween foryou all.I found an Ewok costume on Spirit costumes.com and so Alex is going to be an Ewok and I'm going as Princess Lei. hehe I hope it looks as cute as I think it's going to.
I can't believe he's going to be two on Monday! He's growing sooo fast and learning soo much! He's talking more and more. It seems he learns at least one new word every day. And remembers them! He amazes me on a daiy basis.